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45                                                                                                Our sub-groups | DANIR 2023

      investment in the country’s IT sector, a sector the      EMPLOYEES, FTE                                     +4%
      Ukrainian government recently designated as stra-
      tegically important to the country’s future. We are      1 360                                           1 360
      determined to continue our efforts and we support                                                        1 310
      Ukraine in its struggle to preserve its freedom and      2023
      democracy.                                               2022

          It is important that we not only talk the talk, but  ANNUAL GROWTH RATE
      also walk the walk.
                                                                 2%                               17%
          “We were named among Sweden’s
           most attractive employers among                     Tot al , 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3         CAGR total,
           students, ranked among the Top                                                         2018-2023
           Best Employers in Sweden.”
      We have made great strides during 2023. We               CAGR organic,
      continue to develop our business and expand our            2018-2023
      offer of digital solutions, embedded systems, cloud
      services, IoT and connected systems. Among other         REVENUE 2019-2023                               MSEK
      things, we have done so by establishing three new
      companies and growing existing units. We have                                               1 881        1 926
      achieved success with our own product portfolio
      within Origo, with the addition of another major                                     1 390
      strategic customer.
                                                               1 030  1 011
          We were named among Sweden’s most attractive
      employers among students, ranked among the Top           2019   2020                 2021   2022         2023
      Best Employers in Sweden by our own employees in
      the Universum Survey and Sweden’s Best Managed
      Companies by Deloitte and Nasdaq.

          By the end of 2023, including Sigma Software
      Ukraine, we expect to have a total of 3,350 full-
      time employees. We are an organisation created by
      entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and we are looking
      forward to a new financial year in 2024. We have
      a knack of finding new ways to create growth and

          GROUP CEO

      Carl Vikingsson

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