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DANIR 2024 | Our sub-groups
Rooted in purpose, growing
toward a better tomorrow.
Sigma Technology Group is a privately owned tech- social projects. Our key initiatives this year focus
nology consulting company operating in Sweden, on promoting sustainable tech solutions with our
Hungary, China, Norway, Kosovo, Germany, and customers.
Ukraine. We offer an ideal combination of cross-
industry expertise, a sustainability-first approach to One of these initiatives is digital product
development, and a partnership-oriented business passports (DPP), designed to drive market leadership
model. Our focus is on delivering software develop- and support sustainable practices. DPPs enhance
ment, product information, embedded systems transparency, improve supply chain management,
design & development, digital solutions, and IT infra- and combat counterfeiting. Sigma Technology leads
structure through expert consultants, development in DPP implementation, offering expert guidance
teams, and offshore delivery. for regulatory compliance and smooth adoption.
We collaborate with academia, industry hubs, and
WITH A FOCUS ON SUSTAINABLE technology providers to offer tailored solutions,
TECH SOLUTIONS including collaborations with Johanson Design and
Sigma Group’s vision, “Expect a better tomorrow,” Ekdahls Möbler in the furniture sector.
embodies entrepreneurship and long-term dedi-
cation, applying this mindset to both business and Another initiative highlights our innovative
approach to sustainable development. In partnership
with Svevia and funded by the Swedish Building