Page 57 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 57

55                                       Our involvement | DANIR 2021

    “Since the start of the project,     Projekt Kaxås
     we have doubled the number of
     inhabitants in the village and the  In the spring of 2019, the village school in Kaxås was
     fact that there are so many new     on the brink of closure. This would have meant that
     people moving here, is nothing      young families would choose to live elsewhere, and
     but a success story.”               that depopulation would continue to drain the village
                                         of residents. According to a well-known pattern,
                                         the grocery shop and petrol station had been on the
                                         verge of closure, which meant that Kaxås met the
                                         same fate as many other villages in the interior of
                                         Norrland. A tragic end for a village where the Olofsson
                                         family has its roots and for the village school, which
                                         has continuously educated the children of the area
                                         since the late 19th century.

                                            We started Project Kaxås as an attempt to reverse
                                         the depopulation trend in the interior of Norrland
                                         and create a vibrant countryside in Kaxås and the
                                         surrounding area that will thrive in the long term.

                                            The project customises solutions for families who
                                         want to give their children a safe and active upbring-
                                         ing close to nature while still retaining access to a
                                         fulfilling professional life. The project offers tools
                                         that help to facilitate suitable solutions for families
                                         who want to live in a vibrant countryside.

                                            Project Kaxås started in the summer of 2019 and
                                         during its first financial year, it acquired land that
                                         will enable it to offer families with children unique
                                         housing in Ekobyn Ladriket. The design of the recre-
                                         ation area in Ekobyn Ladriket has been completed
                                         and solutions have been developed for a bakehouse,
                                         a ski waxing shed, floodlit trails, a riding facility, an
                                         outdoor gym and a paddle court. These are just a
                                         few examples of what Project Kaxås is offering
                                         families who want a rich life, close to nature in a
                                         vibrant countryside.

                                            The new life in Kaxås is clearly proving attractive;
                                         two years later, we have signed contracts with 42
                                         young families for new houses in Ekobyn Ladriket
                                         or for existing houses and farms that previously
                                         stood empty. The families are gradually moving in
                                         and the sound of playing children can again be heard
                                         throughout Kaxås. And the bell still rings the pupils
                                         in for lessons at the village school, which is no longer
                                         threatened with closure.
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