Page 26 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
P. 26

DANIR 2022 | Our sub-groups                                                                                      24

            SIGMA INDUSTRY

    A long-term approach builds
    companies and security.

Sigma Industry East North Sigma Industry West

Sigma Industry East North is a group consisting of six   Together with Sigma Embedded Engineering and
technology consulting companies, stretching from         Sigma Energy & Marine, we offer cutting-edge exper-
Linköping in the south to Luleå in the north. We bring   tise in product development, embedded systems, UX,
together the industry’s sharpest engineering consult-    electronics and software development, energy, pro-
ants in areas such as product development, production    cesses, subsea, IT, production technology, calculation
development, project management, QA and validation.      and PLM. We work at the forefront of technology,
All in all, we now have more than 350 employees          with the transition to electrified vehicles, connected
delivering technical solutions to our customers.         applications and Industry 4.0. As demand for digi-
                                                         talisation and innovation increases, our engineering
DIVISION FOR QUICK DECISIONS                             knowledge becomes the bridge between product
AND STABILITY IN STORMY TIMES                            development and the digital world.
We strive for longevity, quality, sustainability and
stability. To this end, in 2022 we established a group   CLOSE AND FAMILIAR, AGILE AND STABLE
in order to give our subsidiaries greater opportuni-     We work in flat and flexible organisations and benefit
ties to develop and to promote growth in the local       from being agile, personal and entrepreneurial, while
market. There are advantages to being a company in       simultaneously being part of the larger Sigma group.
a larger group; one can enjoy the short decision paths   We have close relationships with our employees and
of a smaller company, but also the safety and stability  take a long-term approach to our corporate culture.
of a group. Our aim is to be a genuine, transparent      As one result, we have lower staff turnover than
and reliable employer. This leads us to apply a long-    similar businesses in our industry.
term approach in our relationship with employees.
                                                         THE YEAR IN BRIEF
THE YEAR IN BRIEF                                        Both sales and margins are up; we are having our
Our sales are increasing and we are showing a rising     best year ever and are now more than 380 employ-
operating margin. With this in mind, we believe our      ees. More clients want us to carry out assignments
group has a bright future. This year we reached 350      for them and our commitment business now repre-
employees. We actively work to promote a gender-         sents over 30% of our total business volume. Energy
equal industry and see the benefits of doing so. It is   and subsea have recovered and we are expanding
therefore gratifying that our proportion of female       in both the processes and embedded area. We have
employees is increasing and that we are now 40%          also started two new companies, CREW by Sigma
women.                                                   and Embedded Engineering Future.

GROUP CEO                                                GROUP CEO

Erik Freese                                              Jens Wickström
+46 705-41 81 77                                         +46 733-53 43 00                           
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