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DANIR 2022 | Our sub-groups                                                                                          28

            SIGMA SOFTWARE

    Hard work and the fight
    for peace and democracy.

Sigma Software is a provider of first-class IT and       WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR
     consulting services and has been listed among       UKRAINE AND FOR EUROPEAN VALUES:
the world’s top 100 outsourcing companies by IAOP
for six consecutive years. For two decades, we have      •	 Our employees, customers and partners raised
helped companies, software houses and start-ups              USD 3.72 million to help the Ukrainian army and
address their business needs with technical solutions.       our compatriots who have been forced to flee
                                                             their homes.
   We have over 2,000 specialists working with
more than 300 clients worldwide. Our R&D centres,        •	 	We have raised USD 675,000 for the Help
value-added services, and innovative ML, AI, AR,             Kharkiv humanitarian aid fund, created and
data and process management products enable us to            operated by Sigma Software and IdeaSoft
create the best solutions for our customers.                 (member of Sigma Software Group).

THE DRIVE AND FIGHTING SPIRIT TO SHINE,                  •	 	Together with the Danir Group, we have created
EVEN IN THE DARK SHADOW OF WAR                               Swedes for Ukraine, a platform that connects
As a partly Ukrainian company, this year we faced            Swedes who have extra space in their homes with
an unprecedented challenge – war. In keeping with            Ukrainian refugee families.
our Business Continuity Plan (BCP), we evacuated
2,800 people, our employees and their families, from     •	 	Star for Life in Ukraine helps children gain IT skills
the conflict zone. Since our digital infrastructure          while receiving psychological support.
and servers are located in the EU and 95% of our
specialists work on laptops, we were able to resume      •	 Chatbot for Kharkiv. Here, Kharkiv residents
all our activities after only two and a half weeks. We       can see the status of their houses after their
adapted to the situation, just as we did two years ago,      neighbourhoods have been bombed.
when the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. And
we are very proud that we have been able to continue     •	 	Hack for Peace is a hackathon to find technical
to deliver our services.                                     solutions that can help deal with problems that
                                                             arise in war. It was held in five countries and
   As a result of the war, we have opened more than          attracted over 500 participants.
ten new offices in Poland, Portugal, the Czech Repub-
lic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Argentina, Colombia     •	 We shared our story and experiences at
and Mexico. We have also expanded our presence in            Almedalen, at and a number of
six cities in Ukraine and reopened our office in Kyiv.       other events.

   In 2022, we have so far received over 50 new
projects, which means that we are now working on
more than 300 projects and assignments.
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