Page 47 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 47


  Energetic PA driven by
  entrepreneurial spirit

 Susanne Canerstam completed her first day at Mellby Gård a shade over
 seven years ago. She was ready for a new challenge after spending nearly

    20 years in the construction industry. Someone told her about Rune
Andersson when she was looking for speakers for an in-house conference,

 and that’s how she came to discover Mellby Gård. Quite by chance, they
       were advertising the position of PA to the CEO on their website.

“When I read the details on the position, I felt straight                          “When it comes to our community engagements, I think it’s so
                      away that they were looking for me. I like it when things  inspiring to be able to help out with the causes closest to our hearts
                       happen, and I’ve always worked with entrepreneurs. I get  here at Mellby Gård, such as the right to an education for everyone and
    to do precisely that at Mellby Gård. There are always loads of projects      the importance of embracing entrepreneurship.
    on the go, short decision pathways, people are always having new
    ideas, and there are projects where everybody can get involved. People         “Mellby Gård is a small organisation where everybody plays their part
    are brave enough to try new things, even though they don’t always            in their own way, everybody is included in whatever’s going on, and
    get it right. Entrepreneurs are always aiming for something, and they        there are always loads of things happening – new projects, or activities.
    always have something on the go.”
       She never takes her foot off the gas, whether she’s working or having       “The Andersson family are good at making sure everybody is happy
    time off. Above all, she’s fascinated by motorbikes in general, and road     and feels a sense of commitment to what we do. They’re also good
    racing in particular. She’s done lap after lap of the Ring Knutstorp         at giving their staff a boost and helping them to develop, and they’re
    circuit over the years. Susanne is a road racing instructor, too. She        happy to share their experience and expertise.”
    recently discovered downhill skiing and is doing a harness racing
    course, too.                                                                 PANDEMIC BROUGHT ABOUT CHANGE
      “I’ve been interested in road racing for a very long time. I even met      The past year has presented a number of challenges too; for the
    my husband because of the interest we both have in the sport. It’s           companies co-owned by Mellby Gård, and when it comes to making
    good that we share our interests, because our activities take up a lot of    the switch to a more digital way of working. But the Mellby Gård
    our time. But there are times when we wind each other up – if one of us      strategy remains the same and focuses on responsible, active, long-
    gets the urge for a new bike, for instance!” she laughs.                     term ownership.
      “I’ve always enjoyed trying new things. I put skis on for the first time
    five years ago. I really enjoyed it, and the family and I have been up to      “Business has been fantastic in spite of the pandemic, and most of
    the mountains many, many times. I’m doing a harness racing course at         our companies have been able to adjust, adapt and recover. I can see
    the moment, too. I deal with the administration of Mellby Gård’s 100         major benefits to adopting a long-term position on our investments.
    or so harness racing horses on a day-to-day basis, so I thought it was       When we buy companies in order to retain and develop them, this
    time to get more involved in the sport by actually learning harness          provides our companies with another level of security and support and
    racing for myself.”                                                          we benefit in the long term. I love seeing how our companies develop
                                                                                 over time, too.
    Susanne is the spider in the company’s web in her role as PA to the            “We’ve gone pretty quickly from nought to sixty in our use of digital
    CEO. She helps the Andersson family and her colleagues with all kinds        tools in recent years, too. People have become even more inquisitive
    of tasks and oversees the day-to-day running of the office, including        about new digital tools during the pandemic and have learned how
    technology, IT equipment and digital tools, as well as managing in-          to use them. And when people have seen the benefits on offer, this
    house and external communications for the company. She also helps to         process has sped up.”
    coordinate and select the various community engagements that Mellby
    Gård will be involved in.                                                       Looking ahead to 2022, Susanne is very much looking forward to
                                                                                 the business starting to move, from working mainly on supporting all
                                                                                 the companies through a few turbulent years to focusing once more on
                                                                                 helping companies make the transition from promising to leading.

                                                                                   “The next project is always the most enjoyable one. Challenges and
                                                                                 curiosity are what really drive us here at Mellby Gård!”

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