P. 19


       At Oscar Jacobson
quality means sustainability

With Oscar Jacobson clothing, the style-conscious man can be both stylish
and in tune with the times. 2022 saw the party suit return to the wardrobe

     just as the classic menswear company expanded its focus on jeans,
  shirts, sweaters and shoes for everyday wear. Then as now, quality and

          sustainability are the recipe for success for Oscar Jacobson.

For men’s ready-to-wear company Oscar Jacobson, 2022 was                   based on Swedish tailoring craftsmanship. As a purveyor to the
         a fantastic year. Net sales increased to SEK 393 million while    Swedish Royal Court, Oscar Jacobson collaborates with some of the
         the profit was the best ever in the company’s 120-year history.   world’s most exclusive textile mills, with production taking place in
Although the numbers speak for themselves, it is important to be           Europe for quality and sustainability reasons.
humble, according to Oscar Jacobson’s CEO Richard Woodbridge.
                                                                           FILLING UP THE ENTIRE WARDROBE
  “We see growth in 2022 as a natural recovery after two years that        Oscar Jacobson has continued to develop its range during the year
were partially lost,” he says. “There’s clearly pent-up demand, and        in line with the company’s strategy to offer additional products for
now that it’s possible to go to parties and weddings again, people         men’s wardrobes. New launches of jeans, shirts and shoes keep to the
have a good excuse to buy a new suit. What we need to do going             same style and price level as the rest of the range. Suits still account
forward is to get our customers to supplement their new suits and          for around 60 percent of sales, but demand is now growing for other
create a new positive trend.”                                              products as well.

   The brand was founded in 1903 by tailor Oscar Jacobson in Borås.          “Dressy fashion has made a comeback,” says Richard Woodbridge.
He was a pioneer who revolutionized the textile industry by sewing        “There was great demand for ties and double-breasted suits in fall
suits in predetermined sizes. Today, Oscar Jacobson is an established      2022.”
lifestyle brand. The focus is on creating perfection in each garment

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