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In early 2023 the Mellby Gård Foundation and Karolinska                     Via the Swedish Brain Foundation, Mellby Gård has recurringly
      Institutet (KI) launched the world’s first research center for     funded cluster headache research for several years.
      cluster headaches, which are also known as Horton’s cephalalgia.
The Foundation donated SEK 34.3 million to KI to fund the research         “The long-term support from Mellby Gård has been crucial for
for the next seven years. Andrea Carmine Belin, Associate Professor      us in building our biobank,” says Andrea Carmine Belin. “The
and Senior Researcher at KI and her research team will form the basis    latest donation to our research center offers new opportunities
of the research center.                                                  for collaboration and for visibility in the wider world, enabling the
                                                                         recruitment of the best researchers and investment in new research
  “We’ve been researching cluster headaches for years, but it’s still    projects.”
an illness that’s unknown to the general public,” she says. “Although
it was described as early as the 1700s, there’s been relatively little      Research on cluster headaches is also conducted through
research into it. Currently there’s no cure, and available treatments    international collaborations in order to compare different results.
have a limited effect on cluster headaches. There’s also a lack of       Commitment to participating in studies is high among patients. The
knowledge about their underlying causes.”                                research team is currently investigating how the illness is affected
                                                                         by sleep, whether it is hereditary and whether treatments can be
   Cluster headaches are said to be the most painful thing a person can  personalized according to genetic predisposition.
experience and have also been called ‘suicide headaches’. A 2020 study
in Texas ranked cluster headaches higher than gunshot wounds, kidney       “I can only see opportunities in this project!” says Andrea Carmine
stones and childbirth on a pain scale. Between 3–7 million people        Belin. “The aim is to find effective treatments that improve the quality
worldwide suffer from cluster headaches. Men are the most affected,      of life of those affected by cluster headaches. Both Rune Andersson
but the headaches also occur in women. Cluster headaches appear in       and Johan Andersson usually provide intelligent insights, and we
recurring attacks that last between 15 minutes and up to three hours.    hope that Mellby Gård will continue to support us. But to succeed, we
Attacks can occur several times a day. About 90 percent of sufferers     need more funding to expand the research center internationally and
have an episodic form, meaning that they are symptom-free for up to      continue to lead the way in cluster headache research.”
three months between attacks. Others are affected by a chronic variant
without any prolonged periods when the sufferer is symptom-free.                        Andrea Carmine Belin,
                                                                                          Associate Professor
  “General knowledge of the illness is poor, and more attention needs
to be paid to it to raise the level of understanding and awareness,”                   and Senior Researcher,
says Andrea Carmine Belin. “In medical education, headaches form                         Karolinska Institutet.
only a small part of the curriculum. As a result, there is a lack of
awareness of the illness even among healthcare professionals, which
means that it can take up to ten years to get a diagnosis. That’s why
our research is so incredibly important.”


Since 2011, Chalmers University of Technology has been working              The Master Teacher project requires continuous funding for it to
         to reduce the current shortage of teachers through the          continue, with Mellby Gård having been one of several financiers
        ‘Learning and Leadership’ master’s program. Its ambition is to   since 2017.
train 30 new teachers each year. In order for the program to maintain
the same high quality and high standard as Chalmers’ engineering           “Teachers play an essential role in our society, with their education
programs, they have chosen to focus in particular on the ‘Master         laying the foundation for that of many others, which is why our Master
Teacher’ project.                                                        Teacher project is so important,” says Philip Gerlee, head of the
                                                                         ‘Learning and Leadership’ program. “The contribution from Mellby
    Master teachers are active upper secondary school teachers who       Gård means a great deal to our project and our activities. The funding
work part-time within Chalmers teacher training program for three        helps ensure that the quality of the training and what it can offer can
years. Together with Chalmers’ skilled teaching staff, they cover        remain the same for years to come, and we’re very grateful for that!”
an extremely important component of teacher training – that of
supplementing theoretical knowledge with practical. Master teachers
provide an additional perspective based on their practical experience
and give an insight into the day-to-day running of schools.

                                               Philip Gerlee,
head of the ‘Learning and Leadership’ program,

                Chalmers University of Technology

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