P. 33


 Continued growth despite
      market headwinds

   Almost everywhere there is a need to treat water, Feralco is involved. As
 one of the leading European manufacturers, they produce and supply high-
performance water treatment and process chemicals, ensuring that millions

                     of people have access to clean drinking water.

Ahead of 2022, Feralco had high expectations; the pandemic                  our raw materials come from industries that are energy-intensive and
          was getting under control and the economy was recovering.         therefore severely affected by the energy crisis. On the other, we’ve
          Reality turned out differently, as Feralco CEOs Ludovic Huitorel  historically had many fixed price agreements with water companies
and Stephen Childs describe. Russia’s war in Ukraine continues to have      and municipalities. This year we saw our purchase prices increase
worldwide effects, and Feralco has not escaped these.                       rapidly – sometimes fivefold for some raw materials. We’re currently
                                                                            working with all our customers to generate more flexibility in our
MANY MARKET CHALLENGES TO OVERCOME                                          existing contracts, making us all less vulnerable to major changes in
The main challenge this year has been to overcome all market                the market.”
barriers – supply chain problems, the energy crisis and raw material
shortages. Put simply, the year has entailed huge cost increases.              Feralco has also focused sharply on ensuring a stable supply of
                                                                            essential water treatment products to its customers. Thanks to the
  “In some respects, 2022 has been more of a challenging year than          company’s efforts, no customer or water treatment plant has been
the years of the pandemic,” says Stephen Childs. “On the one hand,          significantly affected by the supply shortage.

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