P. 35


Securing drinking water
  in war-torn Ukraine

Russia’s war on Ukraine has been devastating for the country             donate products to help Ukraine,” says Ludovic Huitorel. “We also
           and its civilian population. In the early stages of the war,  hope to involve other companies that can provide other necessities
           Russian troops seized the only production unit for what are   that Ukraine requires. Every contribution – big or small – is crucial.”
known as coagulants – essential for water purification – and bombed
key infrastructures, leading to a massive shortage of drinking water.       Water for Ukraine enables and facilitates Feralco and other
As early as April, UNICEF declared that 1.4 million people lacked safe   companies involved in the initiative in supplying their products to
and clean water in Ukraine.                                              areas in need. This means that Feralco, through Water for Ukraine,
                                                                         can maintain a consistent supply of water treatment solutions
   Following discussions with the Ukrainian government in the early      throughout Ukraine. UNICEF is now stepping in to take over
days of the war, Feralco decided to help and provide Ukraine with        responsibility for this critical supply chain.
water treatment products to secure their production of drinking
water. Ludovic Huitorel, one of Feralco’s CEOs, explains:                  “After months of work, we were about to phase out our part in it, as
                                                                         UNICEF was going to start supplying our products to Ukraine instead,”
  “After discussions with the Ukrainian Minister of Environmental        says Ludovic Huitorel. “But the bombing of the water infrastructure
Protection and Natural Resources, Ruslan Stilets, we had to act          escalated in the fall, and we were asked to continue our deliveries. So
quickly to supply products that could ensure clean drinking water,” he   we did! In this situation, you just have to roll up your sleeves and do
says. “To supply our products to Ukraine, they had to be listed on the   what you can to help.”
EU list of products for humanitarian aid. Since then we’ve been able
to provide frontline areas with the necessary resources to ensure           The ongoing deliveries from Feralco and UNICEF enable Ukraine
clean and safe drinking water.”                                          to continue to treat drinking water in the war zone. In late 2022
                                                                         the Water for Ukraine initiative was recognized with a Responsible
   To make it easier for other companies to contribute, Feralco set up   Care Award from the European chemicals industry for outstanding
the Water for Ukraine organization.                                      humanitarian aid work in Ukraine.

  “Our ambition for Water for Ukraine is to bring together other
companies and organizations in our industry that are willing to

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