P. 34

“Feralco stands for stability and resilience,” says Ludovic Huitorel.  EXPANSION TO FUTURE-PROOF THE BUSINESS
    “Due to the nature of our business – vital water treatment – economic     Despite the many challenges this year, the company has generally
     crises do not usually affect us so much. Regardless of external events,  performed better than last year. With two new acquisitions in
     people will still need to have access to clean drinking water and have   2021, Feralco has taken strategic steps in expanding its market and
     their wastewater treated. But this year it’s been a challenge to secure  product portfolio while integrating multiple parts of its value chain
     a stable supply, and I’m grateful for the hard work done throughout      into its own operations.
     our organization to ensure the supply of these essential products.”
                                                                                “We acquired two new companies halfway through last year, and a
     WORKED ON SUSTAINABILITY FOR 20 YEARS                                    major challenge this year has been to integrate them into the Feralco
     Feralco has evolved in recent years to become even more                  Group,” says Stephen Childs. “In hindsight the integration has gone
     environmentally friendly and circular. The company now has a very        very well, and both companies have made a positive contribution to
     low carbon footprint. The main raw material in their products comes      the year’s financial result.”
     either from non-fossil sources or is a by-product of other industries.
     More recently, Feralco has also looked further into schemes to reuse        In 2023 Feralco’s focus will be on continuing to do more of the
     the chemicals they market themselves, with great success. Moreover,      same – expanding its activities in the water treatment field. To help
     when looking at new investments, sustainability and circularity are in   address the issue of raw material shortages, Feralco has made some
     focus.                                                                   major investments that will be launched in 2023 – investments that
                                                                              will expand Feralco’s production capacity and support continued
       “We’re an industrial company working with chemicals, which can         growth.
     often be seen as negative,” says Ludovic Huitorel. “But I want to
     emphasize that we deliver sustainable products with minimal impact         “I’m proud of what the entire company has achieved in these
     on the environment. Sustainability is something we’ve been working       difficult times,” says Ludovic Huitorel. “We’ve continued to work
     hard on for more than 20 years. We’re proud of the high level of         hard, grow, integrate our new acquisitions and even made new
     circularity and low carbon footprint of our products, but we’re always   investments while adapting to a completely new market situation and
     striving to improve our performance in these areas.”                     a challenging world. It’s certainly been an interesting and stimulating
                                                                              year for the Feralco Group.”

         Stephen Childs and
    Ludovic Huitorel, CEOs

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