P. 45


Strategic work and internal
networks high on the agenda

  for the Group’s new CFO

     Since 1 December 2022 Johan Sandberg has been the new CFO of Mellby
     Gård. But he is not a new name in the Group. He was most recently CFO
      at Smarteyes, the optician’s chain that Mellby Gård built from scratch

                                and which was divested in 2022.

Johan Sandberg grew up in Örebro and moved to Gothenburg                   sales of about SEK 700 million, while Mellby Gård is a group with
      to study at School of Business, Economics and Law at the             many subsidiaries and associated companies with net sales of over
      University of Gothenburg. He then spent ten years as an auditor      SEK 11 billion.
at EY before being appointed CFO at Smarteyes – a position he held
for just over seven years.                                                 DEVELOPING INTERNAL CONTACTS WITHIN THE GROUP
                                                                          “At Smarteyes I also worked operationally on business-related
  “My time at Smarteyes has given me a good insight into how Mellby        issues so I could keep my ear to the ground and act quickly,” says
Gård works from a subsidiary’s perspective,” he says. “When the           Johan Sandberg. “At Mellby Gård I’ll be working more from a Group
opportunity arose to apply for the position of Group CFO, at a very        perspective, and I look forward to building on the contacts with the
convenient time for me, I didn’t hesitate.”                                subsidiaries and their highly skilled CFOs.”

DIVESTMENT OF SMARTEYES RESULTED IN LESSONS                                  “Creating and maintaining internal networks within the Group is
LEARNED                                                                    an important task, both in terms of sharing knowledge between
During Johan Sandberg’s last year at Smarteyes, he spent much of           companies and of ensuring relevant and effective governance from
his time on the divestment of the company.                                 an owner perspective,” he says. “Furthermore, I hope to get the
                                                                           opportunity to regularly visit the Group’s companies to stay up to
  “I became a key project manager for the company in this respect,”        date on their activities.”
he says. “The work was intense, but very enjoyable and instructive.
I’d say that it’s one of the single most important projects in my career   LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING MORE STRATEGICALLY
so far. I’ve been involved in similar processes before during my time     “It will be very exciting to work more strategically,” says Johan
as an auditor, but more in limited areas. I was now in contact with        Sandberg. “I learned a lot from the sale of Smarteyes, and in the
virtually all parts, which gave me broad and detailed knowledge of         future we will probably engage in similar processes, especially in
how best to take the process to the finish line.”                          terms of acquiring companies. These are intense and challenging
                                                                           tasks that I look forward to being part of.”
  “When the sale of Smarteyes was completed, I was able to ‘look
up’ and then realized that the CFO position at Mellby Gård had not           “Based on the short time I’ve been here and especially on my years
been filled,” says Johan Sandberg. “My discussions with Mellby Gård        at Smarteyes, I see Mellby Gård not only as a family business, but as
intensified after the summer, and then things went quickly because         a less formal business,” he says. “Decision paths are short, the team
we knew each other well beforehand. I appreciate that I can continue       at Mellby Gård is highly skilled and there’s always someone to discuss
to be a part of Mellby Gård.”                                              different issues with. I find it very gratifying to have the opportunity
                                                                           to continue working in the Mellby Gård Group.”
  Johan Sandberg says that there are obvious differences between
the two CFO assignments: Smarteyes is a growth company with net

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