P. 49
Interest in independent
schools has never been greater
Thirty years after the Swedish independent school reform, interest in
independent schools has never been greater. A total of 400,000 pupils
currently attend an independent school in Sweden. AcadeMedia works to
ensure that students and parents feel secure in their daily lives and can rest
assured of a high-quality education.
After a long and difficult period during the pandemic, 2022 was ADVOCATING REFORMS FOR FREEDOM OF CHOICE
a year in which AcadeMedia was able to return to its normal AND QUALITY
routines. As a result of the pandemic, much of the teaching, Marcus Strömberg points to the unique nature of the Swedish model –
especially among older students and adult learners, took place online. that everyone can attend an independent school, not just those with
The insights gained by both teachers and students on different a lot of money. At the same time, a great deal of responsibility falls
teaching methods are crucial going forward. upon the independent schools, and in particular on AcadeMedia as
the largest operator, to ensure that all schools are of good quality.
In total AcadeMedia has more than 700 units with almost 200,000 This is why AcadeMedia is advocating a series of reforms regarding
preschool children, school-age students and adult education the grading system, school vouchers, school choice and national
students. It employs around 18,900 people. It is northern Europe’s testing. The aim is to create a school system with freedom of choice,
leading, single largest independent education provider, with without leaving individual schools and students behind. At the same
operations in Sweden, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands. In time, high-performing students should be acknowledged and receive
Sweden AcadeMedia offers preschools, primary and secondary teaching appropriate to their individual level.
schools and adult education. Where the other countries are
concerned, there are preschools in Germany, and also primary and Constructing upper-secondary schools in campus form is another
secondary schools and adult education since fall 2022. idea that highlights and integrates students from different backgrounds
and different areas of interest and education. Opened in 2022, the
GROWING IN EUROPE THROUGH ACQUISITIONS Södermalm and Vasastan campuses in Stockholm are examples of
In November 2022 the group announced its acquisition of the German bringing together several upper-secondary schools with different
school company Fürstenwalder Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum, specializations in one place. They have 4,200 students in total.
FAWZ. The deal marked a breakthrough outside Sweden in education
above preschool level, adding around 2,300 school and adult “Together, the Södermalm and Vasastan campuses are our largest
students and 320 employees to the group. President and CEO Markus investment to date, with a financial commitment of SEK 1.2 billion,”
Strömberg explains: says Markus Strömberg. “We’re taking upper-secondary education to
the next level with these initiatives.”
“We’re continuing with our international strategy. Sweden and Norway
are relatively mature as markets, while there are great opportunities ADULT EDUCATION IN GAME DEVELOPMENT
for expansion in the surrounding countries. We’ve had a challenging AcadeMedia’s adult education saw slightly weaker growth in 2022,
few years with the pandemic, but I’m proud to say that, in spite of this, but this was compared to record levels, as many people applied for
we’ve been able to maintain a pace of 15 new units per year.” courses during the pandemic. After the pandemic, many adults have
gone back to work.
Sweden is still the largest country in terms of operations, and
there were Swedish parliamentary elections in 2022. In the election A successful venture at post-secondary level is game development
debate, there were calls to limit the activities of independent schools courses. The year saw the acquisition of Futuregames, which is
in various ways. However, Marcus Strömberg makes a distinction ranked as one of the world’s top games courses. The group already
between the political debate and what is actually happening in includes the renowned The Game Assembly.
people’s daily lives.
“Never before has AcadeMedia done so much for so many,” says
“Demand for independent schools has never been greater than it Markus Strömberg. “We’re following our roadmap of international
is today, and it exceeds supply,” he says. “Nearly one million parents growth and investing in quality and
have a relationship with an independent school due to their children pedagogy in a safe environment.”
attending one. I feel that the political debate differs from public
Marcus Strömberg, CEO