P. 43


Fully booked factories – but
  challenging times ahead

     Your home is your castle. Älvsbyhus offers an affordable option for those
   dreaming of their own house. However, after a couple of record years when
  the pandemic made many people want to leave urban areas for a less densely
populated existence, things have turned around. Rising interest rates and price
inflation became a less than pleasant combination in the second half of last year.

Älvsbyhus is being run by the third generation of the                          delivery,” says Kent Johansson. “We’re proud of that. But when
          Johansson family, current CEO Kent Johansson, after his              our purchase prices go up while the price to the customer remains
           father Donald Johansson and his grandfather, founder                unchanged, it affects profitability. We’ve updated our price lists more
Göran Johansson. The company builds prefabricated houses and                   frequently. Now we adjust them about every four months compared
delivers them on a turnkey basis to the buyer’s lot. Manufacturing in          to every six months in the past. The price of a finished house has
Älvsbyn has been fine-tuned for decades, with everything from the              gone up by around 20 percent since 2021. But this is 20 percent of a
production of fitted kitchens, its own sawmill and railway tracks for          lower amount than our competitors, so in monetary terms our price
freight generating a level of cost efficiency that is hard to beat. This       increases are smaller.”
is no secret but a well-known and indisputable fact behind the long-
standing success of Älvsbyhus.                                                    However, Kent Johansson is moderately concerned. He points out
                                                                               that interest rates are expected to peak in 2023 and then stabilize.
  “This is the reason why we can have the highest profitability in             In addition higher energy prices have provided an incentive to save
the industry, year after year, while keeping prices lower than our             energy, and a new Älvsbyhus house is extremely energy-efficient after
competitors,” says Kent Johansson. “We have control over the entire            major investments in energy-efficient walls.
production chain and are constantly finding new ways to work more
intelligently and more efficiently. Due to our in-house production of            “It remains to be seen how new sales will fare in 2023,” says Kent
each component, we also have control over the quality.”                        Johansson. “But I’m an optimist. There will be pent-up demand. I
                                                                               think sales will pick up during the year.”
The pandemic brought unprecedented demand for single-family                       It is also a question of fine-tuning the range by introducing new
homes. The company’s three house factories in Älvsbyn, Bjärnum and             house models. During the year, a new single-story house of 129
Kauhajoki in Finland have been working at full speed since the summer          square meters was launched which, with its spacious rooms and
of 2020. Älvsbyhus sells its products in Sweden, Norway and Finland.           possibility of a home office, was in demand.
The Swedish market is the biggest by some margin, selling 500 houses
in 2022. This gives Älvsbyhus a market share of just over 11 percent,          BUILDING PERMIT REGULATIONS A CHALLENGE
making it the industry leader – a position it has held for 23 years in a row.  One challenge for a manufacturer of standardized houses is the
                                                                               building permit regulations, which can be interpreted differently
   Close to 200 houses were sold during the year in Norway, with               in different municipalities. One example is a case in Nässjö where
higher profitability than in Sweden. Prices in Norway are higher than          the municipality did not grant a building permit for an Älvsbyhus
in Sweden due to different building standards, and also because of             house because the distribution board was placed too high up. The
Norwegian purchasing power, which is relatively strong. More than              municipality claimed that disabled people would not be able to reach
100 houses were sold in Finland. Finnish homebuyers have started to            it, even though the board was positioned in accordance with national
return to Älvsbyhus after a few lean years.                                    building permit regulations. However, Älvsbyhus won the case in all
                                                                               instances after the municipality appealed, which will hopefully set a
   Demand during the pandemic meant that the order book was fully              precedent.
subscribed for almost two years, resulting in increasingly longer lead
times. Around 730 houses were delivered in 2022, and the factories               “I wish municipalities would stick to the national building permit
are booked to run at the same capacity throughout 2023, provided               regulations, which we use as a basis when designing our houses,”
that order intake picks up before the summer.                                  says Kent Johansson. “This would save us, the municipalities and, not
                                                                               least, the customers time and money.”

LOWER DEMAND TO BE EXPECTED                                                    Kent Johansson, CEO
However, the combination of higher interest rates and inflation is
reducing the demand for housing. Inflation also affects the prices of
Älvsbyhus’ inputs, forcing price increases.

  “We have fixed price lists, so the customer knows what their house
will cost, and it doesn’t increase in price while they’re waiting for

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