P. 41


    Another record year –

   despite a troubled world

Despite 2022 being yet another year of uncertainty and instability, the Roxtec
     growth curve is continuing to ascend. Sales smashed previous records,

despite the company winding down its Russian operations. Despite continued
challenges due to material shortages and price increases, the target of 3 billion

                     Swedish kronor in sales by 2025 is within reach.

Roxtec manufactures scalable sealing modules for cable and                     “The fact that Roxtec has several strings to its bow, both in terms of
           pipe bushings for demanding environments with multiple            business segments and regions, is a source of strength,” says Magnus
           performance requirements – on land, at sea and underground.       Holmberg. “It’s clearly an explanation for this year’s success.”
The company’s seals are therefore found in the most diverse industries
 and contexts – in everything from Italian superyachts to wind turbines,     GOOD MOMENTUM IN THE DIGITAL BUSINESS
 on rigs and platforms, in heavy industry and at research facilities –       For a couple of years, Roxtec has been focusing on increasing sales of
 where they fulfill a wide range of functions. The seals are also essential  its own software (SaaS), alongside its traditional products. The digital
 in a variety of mission-critical IT and infrastructure. Today Roxtec        portfolio offers great opportunities for customers to have full control
 makes sales in 80 markets through both subsidiaries and distributors.       over their cable bushings. In short, customers can customize and
The company’s CEO, Magnus Holmberg, explains:                                document their solutions from the drawing board to installation and
                                                                             regular inspection, as well as manage registration, quality control and
   “We’ve seen very strong organic growth of almost 9 percent in             updates themselves.
 2022 and hope to end up with sales of over SEK 2.4 billion,” he says.
“Currency developments and inflation have been favorable in terms              “We’ve seen our digital business start to take off during the year,”
 of the development of sales, and we’ve been able to safeguard our           says Magnus Holmberg. “Customers can see the added value of our
 profitability despite cost increases. The component shortage has            software. This type of sales requires different skills, and to utilize
 been a challenge during the year, but our purchasing department has         digital product potential, Roxtec also needs to recruit more sales
 done a fantastic job and so we’ve managed to keep production going.”        personnel.”

    As a consequence of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Roxtec’s board            Roxtec is also certified to inspect watertight cable bushings on
 of directors decided early on to shut down operations in Russia. The        ships and offshore installations. Due to new legislation and a backlog
 closure took place gradually to protect employees and ensure that all       of on-site inspections as a result of the pandemic, Roxctec expects
 steps in the legal process of closure were carried out in accordance        service assignments to grow in the long run.
 with the rules.
                                                                             THE ROAD TO THREE BILLION
   “I think we handled the situation responsibly,” says Magnus               Last year Roxtec launched a new sales target to reach SEK 3 billion
 Holmberg. “We made great efforts and attempted to protect our staff         in 2025. The way to achieve this is by recruiting people with the right
 on the ground in Russia. It was absolutely the right decision to make.      skills and continuing to invest in product development, the customer
 In addition, our products are now subject to sanctions.”                    experience and value-adding services. In 2022 45 new employees,
                                                                             not including replacement recruitments, started working at Roxtec.
 STANDING STRONG WITH SEVERAL STRINGS TO ITS BOW                             Going forward, increasing staff levels remains a priority, mainly in
 Roxtec’s three business areas are Marine & Offshore, Power & Process        sales-related activities and IT. With 2022 in the rearview mirror,
 Industries and Industry & Infrastructure. From a geographical               Magnus Holmberg remains optimistic about the future.
 perspective, the North American market showed strong demand in
 Power & Process. In April 2023 Roxtec will open its new headquarters          “To sum up, it’s been a challenging year, but Roxtec employees
 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is part of establishing a stronger presence on     have much to be proud of,” he says. “We believe in further expansion.
 the other side of the Atlantic, focusing on continued growth. In Europe,    Roxtec has several new products and a larger digital offering that we
 developments are more mixed. The southern parts started the year            will be rolling out in the coming years, and that will be accompanied
 strongly, but the market gradually weakened. The trend in northern          by a lot of new recruitment and growth.”
 Europe was the opposite: initially weak and then gradually growing.
                                                                                          Magnus Holmberg, CEO
    As forecast, the Industry & Infrastructure business area developed
 strongly, and Roxtec won several deals in Europe and the US for
 semiconductor manufacturers. The Asian market has continued to be
 sluggish as a direct result of China’s recurring lockdowns, which are
 hitting hard across the region. Most affected is Power & Process, where
 investments in offshore wind power came to a complete halt in 2022.

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