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Klarahill driven by
desire to grow and change
Klarahill was formed in 2014 with the ambition of consolidating and
transforming the Swedish funeral industry. An aggressive acquisition
strategy combined with strong brands is helping the group increase its
presence in a larger number of locations while developing its service
offering in funerals and family law.
During the year, Klarahill, the funeral division of the Group, wouldn’t otherwise have received at our offices, and we can use
continued on its acquisition journey. Today the company existing resources available in other locations. Working digitally and
has around 60 offices and more than 100 employees – from more intelligently, with coordination and collaboration, gives us more
Uppsala in the north of Sweden to Malmö in the south. Acquisitions time for our customers.”
and a clear business model form the basis for profitable development
that continued in 2022. The funeral business increased its sales by VERAHILL CORRECTLY POSITIONED
38 percent – to SEK 202 million. In 2022 the family law business in the subsidiary Verahill broadened
its range of services and now offers expertise in property law and
STRONG NETWORK IMPORTANT IN COMPETITION international private law. Distinct specialist groups have also been
The many acquisitions have enabled Klarahill to quickly and established, while the staff has grown from 60 to 100 during the year.
successfully integrate new funeral homes into the group. A strong The investments are expected to have already made a major impact
internal culture is required to keep 60 funeral homes in line with by the end of 2023, according to Petra Segerdahl, CEO of Verahill.
each other, each of them established to a great extent in the local
community and with a habit of doing things their own way. During the “Our expansion running parallel to that of the funeral division offers
year Klarahill initiated a strategic valuation process. This was about major opportunities,” she says. “We’re growing our existing business
demonstrating the benefits of the funeral home network and assuring while attracting new skills. Our employees are truly passionate about
the quality of what is offered. At the same time, it is important to making a difference and want to be involved in driving development in
maintain a local identity and entrepreneurial spirit in order to be the company and the industry.”
competitive, explains CEO Sven Ackell.
A clear trend in 2022 is greater interest from operators such as
“In 2022 we focused much more sharply on strengthening our insurance companies and banks in offering family law services to their
team spirit, in particular by bringing everyone together at a staff customers. For example, a deeper partnership with the insurance
conference on the theme of Together,” he says. “This provided new company If was established, with Verahill now being a preferred
insights and gave us an energy boost.” partner in family law for If’s corporate customers.
For more than 15 years there has been a debate about whether MEDIATION – A SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION FOR ALL
the Church of Sweden should be able to run funeral homes, and at Previously, Verahill’s business was dependent on providing legal
the end of 2022 the General Synod decided to allow this. Klarahill services regarding the deceased, but it has now positioned itself as
believes that the legislation is inadequate and that the decision an innovator in dispute resolution. By investing in a broader range of
will lead to unequal and unhealthy competition that will hit smaller products, the business is now more robust, with a strong business
funeral homes particularly hard. model and a steady flow of customers.
“Our acquisition plan remains in place, but the establishment of What’s new in 2022 is that Verahill has launched mediation as a
funeral homes by the Church of Sweden represents a new risk that we new service.“We always put the child first in custody disputes, and
need to take into account going forward,” says Sven Ackell. mediation helps mitigate conflicts when parents have difficulty
agreeing,” says Petra Segerdahl. “Working closely with our partner
MORE INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS FOR CUSTOMERS Varannan Vecka, we’ve put together a package comprising our
Today Klarahill carries out 7,000 funerals per year and aims to reach service plus their digital tool for parents who have separated. This
10,000 by 2025. To cover a larger part of the funeral market, it is combination is unique and has the potential to make a big difference
therefore important to supplement local presence with a digital for families and society.”
option. The digital agency Lova Begravning has been part of Klarahill
since 2020. Sven Ackell,
CEO of Klarahill
“Our digital offering allows us to compete with other players who Petra Segerdahl,
have focused solely on a digital presence, known as online funeral CEO of Verahill
homes,” says Sven Ackell. “Having both a digital service and physical
funeral homes means that we occupy a unique position in the market.
For example, we can take on assignments in Stockholm that we