P. 53
Growth of half a billion in
the last two years and the
industry’s most satisfied
Over the past two years, StudentConsulting has grown organically by half a
billion Swedish kronor. This represents growth of 51 percent and a doubling
of profitability. The work carried out during the year has helped fill 20,185
vacancies, resulting in the most satisfied customers in the industry – for the
eighth year in a row!
Where StudentConsulting is concerned, 2022 was yet why we’ve been able to develop a leading comprehensive system in
another successful year. This is no coincidence, according the form of SC Jobbot. The fact that during the pandemic, we were
to CEO Tobias Lindfors. able to offer our entire recruitment process, including video CVs, has
“We work very hard to ensure we have the industry’s most satisfied been hugely significant. The system is under constant development
customers, which is why it’s so great that we’ve received this award and automates customer and candidate matching. This development
again,” he says. “A lot of it has to do with being a leader in flexible will free up time for our staff to work more closely with our customers,
staffing. At the same time, we’re a talent channel that brings future help them forecast staffing needs and generate additional value.”
employees to our clients by them hiring and then taking over our
consultants, or via recruitment. I’m extremely proud of what we have SC Jobbot and other automation will not replace our employees
achieved in the last two years. It’s actually only now that we’ve been recruitment work, but given the amount of data in the systems,
able to fully reap the benefits of our leading and comprehensive they’re an effective tool, for example when lead times are short.
staffing, temping and recruitment system, SC Jobbot, which we’ve
developed over the course of 20 years.” “Our system manages over 17,000 clients, 30,000–40,000 job
applications per month and over 450,000 candidates,” says Tobias
StudentConsulting works with long-term strategic goals and is Lindfors. “Last year 20,185 vacancies were filled in 206 locations in
constantly developing its digital systems and their functions. The Sweden, Norway and Denmark.”
systems will enable automated and simplified staffing, temping and
recruitment processes to efficiently meet customer needs. MISSION FOR THE FUTURE
StudentConsulting wants more than to achieve record figures. The
The company’s long-term development has generated excellent company has a clear mission to put more people into work each
results over several years, with StudentConsulting winning a Gazelle day – while ensuring the most satisfied customers in the industry.
Award (Swedish business newspaper Dagens Industri’s award for the StudentConsulting is innovating and improving the labor market. In
fastest-growing company) four times, making the company the most a turbulent world of war, inflation and recession, this market can
frequent winner in Sweden. It has been named Sweden’s fastest- be tough. This is where the work and mission of StudentConsulting
growing company three times and was runner-up twice. In 2017 become particularly important. The company is committed to all
Tobias Lindfors was awarded the Royal Swedish Enterprise Medal for issues leading to lower unemployment and is actively working to
outstanding entrepreneurship, and in 2019 he received the Master identify workable models.
Gazelle award from Dagens Industri. This personal success has now
been followed by great profitability and growth for StudentConsulting “As owners we have a long-term plan, and this was already evident
over the last two years. during the pandemic,” says Tobias Lindfors. “When other competitors
made cutbacks, we continued to invest. To ensure we’re not
LEADING DIGITAL SOLUTIONS negatively impacted by external factors, we’ve always said that we
StudentConsulting was ready with a well-developed digital system should have the most efficient service organization and the system
when it was most in demand and simultaneously had the courage to with the greatest flexibility so that we can offer the most affordable
invest when many of its competitors did the opposite. The system is staffing, temping and recruitment
called SC Jobbot and is StudentConsulting’s digital staffing, temping service to our customers. All our
and recruitment system. efforts aim to ensure we put the right
person in the right place at the right
“My theory was that future employees would want to work digitally time – at the right price.”
to a greater extent and attend digital job interviews,” says Tobias
Lindfors. “For example, StudentConsulting was the first company to Tobias Lindfors, CEO
offer video CVs. We had this mindset way before the pandemic. That’s