P. 55


“Perituskliniken plays an
important role in Swedish


Perituskliniken is something as unique as a private specialist hospital. The
clinic, which opened in fall 2020, is now one of the Sweden’s most modern
and best-equipped clinics for the treatment and care of urological diseases.
Through ‘care without waiting’, Perituskliniken can play an important role

                   in Swedish healthcare. It’s a win-win situation.

Patient flows have more than doubled in 2022 compared to                  handle urology diagnostics and surgery. Running a hospital requires
          the previous year. This applies both to diagnostics patients    extensive knowledge to meet clinical and regulatory requirements. In
          (MRI and PET/CT) and to clinical and surgical treatments. The   ongoing public quality reporting, Perituskliniken can monitor whether
majority of patients are contract patients from the Swedish healthcare    they are delivering high quality in relation to other hospitals. The
regions, but patients also come via insurance companies or seek care      clinic’s patients are quite simply satisfied.
privately. Patient growth can mainly be explained by new agreements
with more healthcare regions, including for implementing robot-              There is currently no mandatory requirement for work on quality,
assisted surgery (RALP) for treating prostate cancer patients.            neither for day-to-day operations nor in the procurement process.
                                                                          However, the clinic has initiated structured and strategic efforts to
SIMPLER PROCUREMENT MEANS MORE                                            create a quality and environmental management system that ensures
PEOPLE RECEIVE CARE                                                       the quality of care will continue to improve in 2023. Perituskliniken
To increase capacity, manage the impact of the pandemic and reduce        complies with all regulatory requirements regarding, for example,
healthcare waiting lists, the Swedish Government decided to simplify      occupational health and safety and non-conformance reporting,
the regions’ direct procurement of private healthcare providers.          receiving its ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certification at the end of 2022.
Regions that procured services from Perituskliniken during the year
are Region Skåne, Region Östergötland, Region Kalmar and Region           ROOTED IN THE RESEARCH COMMUNITY
Västernorrland. CEO Åsa Dahm explains:                                    Perituskliniken is located in the midst of Skåne’s research mecca
                                                                          Medicon Village, where most of the clinic’s neighbors are research
  “During the pandemic, many patients refrained from seeking              companies. In 2022 research efforts were initiated, with Perituskliniken
healthcare, creating an even greater challenge for public healthcare      now discussing and formulating possible suitable projects together
services. New rules regarding direct procurement of private hospitals     with potential research partners.
make it easier for more patients to receive both diagnosis and
treatment. We wish this process could go even faster, and we’re doing       “It’s clearly an advantage to be located in Medicon Village,” says
what we can in this regard through political advocacy. By being active    Åsa Dahm. “It offers the conditions for collaboration and exchange of
in the debate, we can highlight the need for private cancer care and      expertise. It’s easy for us to just run over to another company and have
prostate cancer screening.”                                               a face-to-face meeting.”

WIN-WIN PARTNERSHIPS                                                         Specialists in urology are in short supply, not just in Sweden. Training
Perituskliniken still has the capacity to admit more patients. For this   is needed to produce more of them, and attracting them also requires a
reason they have approached Region Skåne, aiming to continue to ease      high flow of patients and a clear research base. In 2022 Perituskliniken
the future public healthcare burden regarding cancer care in the field    initiated a reference assignment with a medical technology provider in
of urology. The clinic also collaborates with other private healthcare    the field of transperineal fusion biopsies. This means that the clinic’s
providers to make use of its full capacity. In 2022 an agreement was      specialists will train international doctors in diagnostics in Lund and
signed with Evidia, which offers radiology and magnetic resonance         give lectures in the doctors’ respective home countries.
imaging (MRI) to Region Skåne. While Evidia waits for new premises, its
patients attend Perituskliniken for examinations. This allows the clinic    “2022 has been an important and eventful year for us,” says Åsa
to exchange expertise and study high patient flows at close quarters.     Dahm. “As I see it, we’re just at the beginning of a very long journey,
                                                                          and we have a great deal left to do before we can be satisfied.”
  “Given the nature of the Swedish healthcare system, partnerships
with private healthcare providers can help improve public healthcare,”
says Åsa Dahm. “It’s a win-win situation.”

HIGH QUALITY CARE AND PATIENT SATISFACTION                                Åsa Dahm, CEO
Perituskliniken is a specialist hospital offering the full range of care
under one roof. It provides world-class expertise and technology to

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