P. 61


Accountant takes on new role
   with fresh opportunities

On December 1 Tamara Dubyna celebrated one year as an Economy Asisstant at
Mellby Gård – a year that has passed quickly but has contributed greatly to her
 professional development. She is now taking on the role of accountant and is

                    looking forward to an exciting time in the Group.

Tamara Dubyna was initially uncertain about whether to apply                  “I like variation – I always want it in my work,” she says. “Combined
          for the position of accounting clerk at Mellby Gård. The job      with the support and trust I receive from my colleagues, it’s the
          was very appealing to her due to new responsibilities and         challenges that energize me and make me more driven. That’s why I’m
the business vision the Group is pursuing. But it would be her first        very much looking forward to the new role and to everything I’ll be
workplace where English was not the business language, and that             contributing on that journey.”
worried her. All that worry disappeared at the first interview.
                                                                               In her spare time, she, her husband and their two children enjoy
  “I felt so incredibly welcome,” she says. “I was able to speak freely     hiking in the countryside in Skåne, but preferably in the Italian
and it all felt very natural. As soon as I left the office, I called the    Dolomites. During the pandemic, Tamara Dubyna discovered an
recruiter and said: I have to do all I can to become part of Mellby Gård!”  interest in exercising at home and is now trying to stick to her new
                                                                            routine. Both she and her husband enjoy cooking inspired by different
   The past year has lived up to the feeling she had on her first           countries, with themed dinners with friends often on the agenda.
encounter with the company – and today she’s very happy that she
applied for the position. Originally from Ukraine, Tamara Dubyna has        BALANCE, EXPERTISE AND RESPECT
spent the last 15 years studying, working and living with her family in     With her new professional role, Tamara Dubyna is looking forward to
Belgium and Sweden. Before Mellby Gård, she worked as a revenue             an exciting future at Mellby Gård and all the opportunities the Group
accountant at Qlik, a software company in Lund.                             has to offer. She uses three key words to describe her workplace;
                                                                            balance – because you have the freedom to organize your work as you
CHALLENGES PROVIDE MOTIVATION                                               wish; competence – because you have access to an incredible amount
Over the past year, Tamara Dubyna has undergone an intensive                of knowledge and experience; and respect – because you’re accepted
training period on the reporting processes, requirements and                for who you are.
regulations that the Group adheres to. In her current position, she
works with accounts receivable and payable, bookkeeping, deferrals,           “Saying that I like it here doesn’t come close. My children have
account reconciliations and monthly accounts while also playing an          started saying I have two families, them and Mellby Gård!,” says
active part in ongoing projects in the Group.                               Tamara Dubyna.

   In addition to her daily work, she takes financial courses at FAR,
the institute for the accountancy profession in Sweden. By the end
of 2022, she took over as accountant at Mellby Gård, with her overall
responsibility increasing.

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