P. 57


continues to deliver returns

      in uncertain times

         Excalibur is a well-established operator in fund management.
The company’s fund management objective is to generate a positive return

 at a low risk, regardless of market conditions. In a tumultuous economic
environment, Excalibur has once again succeeded in doing so, achieving a

                                 6-percent return in 2022.

According to the investment magazine Placeringsguiden,                      “In this kind of economic situation, everyone wants to own risk,” says
          Excalibur was the only fund manager among the managers of       Thomas Pohjanen. “In such cases, Excalibur isn’t so attractive. What
          99 fixed income funds that delivered a positive return during   we’re now entering is a sobering-up phase after the party, with the
the year. In an environment characterized by inflation, rapidly rising    Riksbank (Swedish central bank) removing the punch bowl. Going
interest rates and uncertainty, this is something out of the ordinary.    forward, investment decisions will be based on a healthier view of the
One of the reasons for this is an easily adjustable portfolio, which is   cost of money and risk, which I think is fundamentally a good thing.
good in a changing world, but also extensive knowledge of the market      Long periods of very low interest rates inevitably lead to borrowing
and a high level of responsiveness, according to the company’s CEO        excesses that end in tears, bankruptcies and consolidations.”
Thomas Pohjanen.
                                                                             Over the past three years, Excalibur has had the best return of all
  “The market has been very volatile recently,” he says. “There’s been a  fixed income funds in the Nordic region, with the fund growing by 20
great deal of variation in exchange rates and interest rates. Navigating  percent during the year. The goal is to reach one billion Swedish kronor
this environment while maintaining risk control has been challenging.     in assets under management, which could be achieved as early as 2023.
The fact that we’re actually ending the year clearly in the black shows
that we’ve succeeded in this regard.”                                       “We’re continuing in the direction we’ve been going in,” says Thomas
                                                                          Pohjanen. “The fund is profitable and we want to grow it further.
MARKET ‘SOBERING UP’                                                      It’s important to be responsive, and even when we’re wrong, there
The economic environment leading up to the pandemic was                   shouldn’t be a negative return. No two years are the same, so we’re
characterized by zero and negative interest rates. Risky investments      constantly adapting to the current situation.”
have been rewarded. But with recent economic developments, the
situation does not look quite the same anymore.

                                                                          Thomas Pohjanen, CEO

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