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    For children’s right to be children

        All children have the right to feel safe and secure. All children have the right
        to education. All children have the right to believe in the future. We at Mellby
       Gård want to help provide vulnerable children with safe, warm and nurturing
      environments – where they have time to be children before they become adults.


    Project Playground is a Swedish organization whose vision is             Project Playground currently operates in South Africa and Sweden,
              to create “a world in which all children and young people can  and has also recently started work on establishing a presence in
              grow up with a belief in the future and the ability to make a  the Gambia. Mellby Gård has been a Project Playground partner for
    positive impact on their own lives”. Project Playground works from a     several years.
    holistic perspective, which means that every child and young person
    involved in its activities receives support based on their individual      “All children have the right to be children,” says Cecilia Bergling
    needs and life situation – in a safe place and from safe and competent   Nauclér, Secretary General. “An essential part of our work is to
    adults.                                                                  provide children with safe and meaningful contexts in which they
                                                                             can grow and develop. The contribution from Mellby Gård is of great
       The founders H.R.H. Princess Sofia of Sweden and Frida Vesterberg     importance to our activities, helping us continue and develop our
    started the organization because they saw the great need for an          work.”
    organization that sees the whole child – and that sees the child’s own
    capacity to grow. Founded in 2010, Project Playground focuses on                     Cecilia Bergling Nauclér,
    socioeconomically disadvantaged areas in which society’s support                             Secretary General
    systems are insufficient to help children living in broken and violent
    homes, for example.

       By providing vulnerable children with support and capacity-
    building activities, Project Playground helps boost the confidence
    of these individuals and helps children at risk of ending up in crime,
    addiction or mental ill-health to find a different path.

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