Page 27 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 27

Entrepreneur and job seeker,
get to know these:

REDU Edu Ltd - Recruitment training
Recruitment training (in Finnish)

REDU Edu Ltd - For employers
Individual recruitment (in Finnish)

REDU Edu Ltd - For job seekers
Workforce training for adults (in Finnish)

                                                               Keynote speech:
                                                               futurist Ilkka Halava

In relation to these themes, we organised an event for         The event also included a workshop with the aim of bring-
tourism area businesses (January 10, 2024), aiming to          ing all stakeholders together to discuss the importance
delve into the following questions:                            of community and social networks as part of retention.
                                                               In this context, two keynote speeches were heard, in
•	 What does working life look like for employees in           which Lapland University of Applied Sciences presented
   Lapland’s tourism and ski resorts?                          experiments on strengthening the retention of work in the
                                                               tourism and service sectors, and the Centre for Economic
•	 What are the future skills needs in businesses?             Development, Transport and the Environment project
•	 What kind of work culture are we building in fell           team presented experiences in creating competent work-
                                                               force through community and partnership networks.
                                                               The speeches highlighted the significance of supervisory
The event had a diverse group of participants from the Fell    work and shared the experiences of employees that affect
Lapland and Rovaniemi regions. The event was opened            the decision to stay in the region for work or move else-
by futurist Ilkka Halava, who set the stage for the day and    where. The leisure opportunities for employees in the ski
shared his insights on the future of jobs and the nature of    resort area, as well as communication and coordination
work, the development of tourism in Lapland as part of         related to them, sparked a lot of discussion. Participants
broader global trends, and the needs and operations of         were unanimous in their belief that the responsibility for
future communities.                                            matters related to work and leisure in tourism areas is
                                                               collective among all stakeholders in the area.
During the seminar portion of the event, addressing
the previously mentioned need for support services for         During the event, good and concrete practices and ideas
businesses, public employment and business services and        were shared across regions. Sharing similar everyday
the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the         experiences also facilitates joint development work and
Environment presented their respective service offerings       increases dialogue and collaboration among stakehold-
for businesses. For example, joint procurement and re-         ers. After the event, discussions were initiated, such as
cruitment training garnered interest among participants.       updating the common working life website in the case
Educational institutions such as Rovaniemi Municipal           of Levi, to better accommodate international labour.
Federation of Education REDU, Santasport Lapland Sports        Another example is that educational institutions began
Institute, and REDU Edu Ltd shared information about their     considering ways to support tourism and service sector
educational content, with the aim of increasing awareness      companies in the development of supervisory work.
of training opportunities among businesses. REDU Edu Ltd
also discussed its services for businesses and job seekers,
which can be beneficial for additional training for em-
ployees already in the workforce or providing training for
individuals in the recruitment process directly into the job.

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