Page 27 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 27


   All fulltime Firefighters are trained as Paramedics and
   rotate continuously between firefighting and EMS
   duties. DFB’s fleet of 14 emergency ambulances are
   each staffed by two paramedics available to respond
   24 hours a day, 365 days per year.  

   In addition, there are 21 frontline fire appliances with
   up to 120 paramedics available to respond on a daily
   basis. All fulltime Firefighters are trained to paramedic
   standard and are required to maintain PHECC
   registration as paramedic practitioners with 105 at
   Advanced Paramedic level. All retained firefighters are
   trained to Emergency First Responder level. Tangible
   clinical outcomes in 2023 illustrating the Fire Based
   Emergency Medical Service include:

   Dublin Fire Brigade celebrated 125 years of providing
   the Emergency Ambulance Service for the citizens
   of Dublin. For the full history of the service please
   follow the link

                     80,357 emergency medical                                                            27

                                   incidents responded to

                             55,532 patients treated and

                                                transported to hospital

            4,631 critical medical incidents managed

                  552 cardiac arrests managed

                               151 STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction)

                                                     patients, transported to a PPCI facility within 90
                                                     minutes of having an ECG

                             605 FAST Positive Stroke patients

                                                  transported to a facility that performs
                                                  stroke thrombolysis

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023
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