Page 30 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 30


    Dublin Fire Brigade continues to be involved    Centre involving patients 65 years or older in
    with the Pathfinder, a Sláintecare funded       Beaumont and Tallaght Hospital catchment
    initiative. In the Dublin area Pathfinder is a  area or to incidents where the attending
    collaborative project with colleagues in the    ambulance crew determine that the patient
    National Ambulance Service, Beaumont and        may be appropriate for referral the team’s
    Tallaght Hospital’s Occupational Therapy        services.
    and Physiotherapy Departments. The team
    consists of an Advanced Paramedic and an        The Pathfinder services include; home
    occupational/physio therapist.                  based rehabilitation (Occupational Therapy
                                                    + Physiotherapy), essential equipment and
    The purpose of the service is to provide a      home modifications, liaise with GP & Primary
    safe alternative to emergency department        Care Team, Referral to Geriatrician Day
    attendance, where possible. The Pathfinder      Hospital and specialist outpatient clinics for
    Team is dispatched to certain low acuity EMS    suitable patients.
    calls received in East Region Communications

30  Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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