Page 32 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 32


Some of the recommendations of the Trauma
Steering Group report “A Trauma System for Ireland”
are as follows;

•	 The HSE should implement an inclusive hub-          In 2021 the Mater University Hospital, Dublin was
      and-spoke Trauma System in Ireland comprising    designated as the Major Trauma Centre for the Central
      of two regional Trauma Networks.                 Network.

•	 Two Major Trauma Centres corresponding to           It will be some time before the infrastructure and
      the two Trauma Networks (Central and South)      guidelines are in place to enable DFB’s practitioners
      should be located in the most populated areas,   bypass catchment area hospitals to bring trauma
      namely Dublin city and Cork city, in order to    patients to the nearest Trauma Unit or Major Trauma
      optimise access and ensure the minimum           Centre. DFB look forward to working with our
      caseload required for better outcomes.           colleagues in the National Ambulance Service, the
                                                       Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council and the Central
•	 Patients with suspected major trauma are            Trauma Network in achieving this important goal.
      taken directly to a Major Trauma Centre where
      travel times are within 45 minutes or if travel
      times exceed this, to the nearest Trauma Unit
      for rapid stabilisation and subsequent transfer
      to the Major Trauma Centre if the complexity
      of their injuries exceeds the capability of the

      Trauma Unit.

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