Page 29 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 29


40000                     36804


20000                   1575
10000                                                                                                                   Grand Total
                                                                              11910                                        80,357
       0                                                                                        15122
                    Echo                                                                                          2099

                          Delta  Charlie                    July  Bravo  Omega

Figure above depicts a breakdown of DFB Activity            Delta calls in addition to an Ambulance, aligned to the
for 2023 for Emergency Ambulance (DA) Incidents             principle of sending the nearest available resource
attended. WhilethefiguresshowDFBorderedto80,357             and to assist the Ambulance crew in administering the
Emergency Ambulance (DA) unique incidents, that             most effective intervention.
equates to 109,507 mobilisations to these incidents,
e.g. certain incidents requiring the attendance of          The demand for ambulance services has been
multiple units. The breakdown gives a percentage to         increasing year on year in conjunction with the
the type of emergency incident, with Echo cases being       recovery in the economy. The demand is driven by an
the most serious life-threatening, to Omega being the       increase in the overall population and increasingly in
least serious type. These PHECC and HIQA recognised         the population aged 65 and older. Although there is
incident type categorisations are used by Emergency         an obvious and immediate requirement for additional
Dispatch personnel to prioritise the level of call as part  ambulance resources in Dublin, there is also the need
of DFB’s Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS). The       to advocate health promotion and disease prevention
largest percentage of calls are Delta (46%), which are      strategies, and look at the expansion of primary and
serious life-threatening calls. DFB have a policy to        community services in line with the recommendations
always assign a Fire Appliance to Echo calls and some       in the Sláintecare Report.

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023                                                                           29
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