Page 31 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 31

COVID – 19

2023 was the fourth year of the COVID-19          This increase may be attributed to an
(SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. Dublin Fire Brigade’s      increased level of COVID-19 in the community
emergency medical personnel have been on          as well as RSV, flu and winter viruses
the frontline of the public health emergency,     circulating in the community.
providing pre-hospital emergency care to
COVID-19 patients in Dublin. Dublin Fire Brigade  As hospital emergency departments come
personnel have implemented the relevant           under pressure, this impacts on their ability
risk assessments, infection prevention            to complete the handover of patients arriving
and control (IPC) guidelines and treatment        by ambulance in a reasonable timeframe,
procedures that were required to manage           leading to off load delays at hospitals.
suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients.         Obviously, increased demand and offload
                                                  delays at emergency departments impacts
In December 2023 we received a high level         on our ability to provide an efficient service
of calls to our East Region Communications        to the public.
Centre for emergency ambulance services.

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023                                                     31
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