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HEALTH AND SAFETY Authority of Ireland (NSAI) in June 2023. The updated
Dublin Fire Brigade Ancillary Safety Statement was
Dublin Fire Brigade is committed to providing published in February 2023. The HSU continue to
safe places and systems of work by maintaining contribute to an ongoing rolling review of Standard
legislative and regulatory compliance and Operating Guidelines (SOGs).
encouraging standards and standardisation in the
area of occupational health and safety management. The DFB HSU advises and supports senior
The DFB Health and Safety Unit (HSU), which reports management through its engagement in the
directly to an Assistant Chief Fire Officer, supports process of Safety Representatives consultation
and advises the senior management team and works and participation. Scheduled quarterly meetings of
closely with Dublin City Council’s Corporate Health the Safety Committee, involving members of senior
Safety Office and also liaises with peer groups in management and the safety representatives group,
Ireland and the UK. provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to feed
into the continual improvement of workplace health
In 2023, 242 accidents were reported to the HSU and safety.
from across all sections of Dublin Fire Brigade, this
indicated a decrease of 26% on the previous year, In 2023, members of the HSU in conjunction with
patient handling incidents increased by 24% this subject matter experts have conducted multiple risk
area shall be addressed in 2024. It should be noted assessments of new equipment, training courses,
that Dublin Fire Brigade operates on a 24 hour basis EMS and work locations. The HSU actively engaged
over 365 days of the year. Throughout the year, the with firefighter PPE standards and selection.
Health and Safety Unit received and processed 20 Throughout 2023 the HSU provided ongoing advice
Good Catch Safety Observations during 2023. The to managers and officers on matters relating to
Good Catch System allows staff to identify and health and safety.
report issues of concern which may otherwise go
unnoticed and potentially result in an incident. All
staff members are encouraged to bring their health
and safety concerns to our attention.
The DFB HSU assisted in the development and
presentation of the occupational health and safety
modules included in the training programmes
training programmes of both newly promoted ERCC
Sub Officers, Sub Officers and Station Officers. The
HSU assist DCC HR with the recruitment process
by providing pre-employment physical tests for
potential candidates, they also provide safety
induction training and have designed and
provided comprehensive physical fitness
training modules to new DFB recruits.
The HSU guided Dublin Fire Brigade in
its objective to successfully maintain
its ISO 45001:2018 Occupational
Safety Management System
certification following a
recertification audit conducted
by the National Standards
ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023 63