Page 64 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
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Dublin Fire Brigade’s Quality Management System Dublin Fire Brigade is committed to following best
is managed by a dedicated Quality office based in practice in child safeguarding and to fulfilling all
DFB HQ. As a part of the ongoing maintenance of the of its statutory obligations under the Children
Quality Management System, a surveillance audit was First Act 2015. All Paramedics and Advanced
conducted by the National Standards Authority of Paramedics in Dublin Fire Brigade are classed as
Ireland (NSAI) in October 2023 to ensure compliance ‘Mandated Persons’ under the Act due to their
with the Quality Management Standard, ISO 9001:2015. registration with the Pre-Hospital Emergency
The auditor visited numerous work locations and spoke Care Council (PHECC).
with many staff members. The audit was successfully
concluded and paved the way for ongoing certification Our Child Safeguarding Coordinator, with
to the standard into the future. guidance from Dublin City Council’s Safeguarding
Officer for Children and Vulnerable Adults, leads
The DFB Quality Office is also responsible for the a team of ‘Designated Liaison Persons’ (DLPs).
management of Internal ISO9001 Quality Audits. These These are trained peers who are available across
audits are conducted independently and take place our four Watches to assist members of our staff
on a scheduled basis, throughout all sections within who may have experienced incidents causing
Dublin Fire Brigade over the three year certification concern. During 2023 we began plans to develop
cycle. Feedback from these audits is analysed to ensure this team. A request for expressions of interest
that the appropriate standards are being maintained in DLP training was oversubscribed. This is indeed
throughout the Brigade and this process allows for Dublin welcome and points to a keen understanding of
Fire Brigade to monitor the operation and effectiveness staff members’ responsibility and willingness
of all of its processes, benchmarked against the Quality to become involved in such a sensitive and
Management Standard. important area. During 2023, twenty-nine (29)
reports were made by members of Dublin Fire
Process Mapping is in place for all key functional areas Brigade to Túsla, The Child and Family Agency. In
within DFB and assist us in the identification of inputs, a small number of cases our staff were required,
outputs, controls, risks and the monitoring of Key at very short notice, to attend at the District
Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each DFB section. Court where urgent protection was required for
children at risk.
In 2023, the DFB Quality Office conducted stakeholder
surveys for the Fire, EMS and Call taking and Dispatch As mandated by the Children First Act
functions of Dublin Fire Brigade. These surveys were 2015, copies of our Dublin Fire Brigade Child
hosted on the Dublin City Council feedback platform Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment
and publicised through the DFB X (Twitter) platform. are available at every fire station and DFB work
The results of the surveys were communicated to DFB location. The document can be accessed on the
senior managers and assist each section to improve Dublin City Council website at https://www.
DFB service-user satisfaction.
Nineteen (19) Corrective Action Reports (CARs) risk-assessment or from this QR code.
were submitted by members of staff during 2023.
The Corrective Action Reports process allows staff
to directly identify issues to the Quality Office and
demonstrates the commitment of our staff to Quality
within Dublin Fire Brigade. Each CAR is assigned to the
appropriate senior manager for review, and many have
resulted in new or amended processes being adopted.
64 Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE