Page 66 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 66


Dublin City Council as directed by the Government of
Ireland Climate Action Plan 2019 is required to agree and
implement an action plan to mitigate against climate
change, enhance sustainability and reduce carbon
footprints within the remit of the local authority.

Key targets of the plan include 33% better energy use
with the council, 40% reduction in greenhouse emissions
and mitigation measures required to make Dublin a climate
resilient city and actively engage and educate citizens on
Climate Change.

All DCC buildings including fire stations must reduce
energy consumption and emissions over the coming
years. As such, any new fire station will be required to be
built to a Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) standard in
order to help achieve this target.

In line with the DCC Climate Change Action Plan, DFB will    The following graphs indicate the Cost of
focus a range of actions across six key areas –              Energy used by the Dublin Fire Brigade in
1.	 Energy and Buildings                                     2023 it also includes the Consumption of
2.	 Transport                                                energy and the Carbon produced in Tonnes
3.	 Flood Resilience
4.	 Nature-Based Solutions
5.	 Resource Management
6.	 Reduce the impact of Fire on the Environment

COST (INCL VAT)              CONSUMPTION                     CARBON

€867,258                     5723,114                        1,215
                                KWhs                         tonnes

             Electricity             Gas                                 Gas
             Gas                     Electricity                         Electricity

           Projected figure        Projected figure          Projected figure 1,329.9 Carbon
         €906,065 Per Year,  6,280,596 KWhs Per Year                   (tonnes) Per Year
      12% decrease on 2022    17% decrease on 2022
                                                                   28% decrease on 2022
                             Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71