Page 65 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 65


Dublin Fire Brigade provides psychosocial support       While informal conversations with Peer Supporters
for its staff following traumatic events through        are a common occurrence amongst DFB staff and
a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)            not formally counted our CISM Peer Support Team
system. Education around general mental health          was formally alerted to 38 formal CISM interventions
and wellbeing begins on entry to Dublin Fire Brigade    during 2023. Some 82 incidents were directly
and is followed by further education specifically       reported to the CISM Peer Support Team by the East
designed to prepare members of staff to deal with       Region Control Centre.
the effects of traumatic incidents. Specialised
training is provided to each Officer rank in order to   Highlights of 2023 include a return to ‘live’ Recruit
ensure that immediate support is available. This is     Family Evenings. These were held for two classes
enhanced by members of a Peer Support Team who          of Recruit Firefighter/Paramedics and two classes
offer their support on a voluntary basis and can be     of Emergency Services Controllers. A large
contacted 24 hours a day on well-advertised phone       attendance from families ensured that Recruits and
numbers.                                                their loved ones had an opportunity to understand
                                                        the challenges of their new role and the supports
Unfortunately, we were unable to train new Peer         available to them. Finally, members of the CISM Peer
Supporters during 2023 but hope to rectify matters      Support Team were honoured to be present with
early in 2024. On a brighter note, we were able to      retired members of Dublin Fire Brigade who gave
access advanced training and instructor training        evidence to the Stardust Fire Inquests in 2023.
for senior Peer Supporters. We now have three
Instructors who are fully trained to the standard of    CISM is an excellent resource where Dublin Fire
the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation.  Brigade staff members help each other. This is to
We are now in a position to train our own staff.        the benefit of Dublin Fire Brigade, Dublin City Council
Indeed, we were also able to offer training to staff    and ultimately to the public we serve.
of the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive through
this valuable resource.

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023           65
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