Page 80 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 80


    The Communications Unit has linked up with our Operational Intelligence Unit in the
    operating of drones. Two personnel from our team currently hold their drone operators’
    license with a third expected to finish training in Q2 2024. The use of drones allows
    us to assist Incident Commanders at scene and provide real time aerial footage of the
    scene with the capabilities of using a thermal imaging camera.


    Dublin Fire Brigade’s Communications Unit maintained their social
    media presence across all mainstream platforms. Incidents, training
    exercises and public service announcements proved to be the most
    viewed posts. The platforms continued to allow Dublin Fire Brigade
    to share fire safety messages to a combined total of 175k followers
    and our posts were viewed over 25 million times. In Q4 2023, Dublin
    Fire Brigade joined Instagram Threads and BlueSky in an effort to
    reach a wider audience.

    Our Communications Unit ran many campaigns across all social
    media platforms throughout the year. These included Test it
    Tuesday, Whereabouts Wednesday, What’s in a station Wednesday,
    Throwback Thursday, Equipment at Eleven and Factual Friday. All of
    these campaigns were focused on our strategy, Prevent, Inform and
    Promote, whilst also providing the public with an insight to what
    Dublin Fire Brigade do.

    Our Recruit blog proved to be popular. Throughout their Firefighter
    training, recruit class 1/2023, reported to the communications team
    what they did each day. This information was then shared with the

    1.6kpublic on social media and in turn should attract more candidates to

    our next recruitment campaign.

                      Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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