Page 78 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 78


The Communications Unit provides support for       INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS
the delivery of key communication messages
both internally, externally and through the        The ‘Request to Speak’ staff bulletin was produced
media. This is generally carried out by internal   53 times in 2023, published each Friday evening and
bulletins or campaigns, social media, traditional  distributed to every staff member by email, our online
media and working with Dublin City Council’s       learning platform and internal WhatsApp groups. The
media relations department.                        bulletin provided information to all staff regarding
                                                   upcoming courses, events, memorandums, further
                                                   education opportunities, internal news and charitable

78                                                 NOTABLE EVENTS
                                                   IN 2023

                                                   DUBLIN PRIDE

                                                   Dublin Fire Brigade was invited to take part in the annual
                                                   Pride parade again in 2023. The Communications Unit
                                                   liaised with Dublin Pride, Dublin City Council and sign
                                                   writers to ensure we had sufficient material and a fire
                                                   appliance from Head Quarters was wrapped in the
                                                   Pride decal. There was representation from all ranks
                                                   and the fire appliance proved to be a popular feature
                                                   on the day, wrapped in the Pride decal for a third year

                                                            OSCAR DISTRICT

                                                                  In 2023, Dublin Fire Brigade launched a
                                                                  joint initiative with “Oscar’s Kids” Ireland
                                                                  through its Communications Unit and HR
                                                                  Department. The launch took place in the
                                                                  Brigade Training Centre in September to
                                                                  coincide with Childhood Cancer Awareness
                                                                  month. The initiative allows young children
                                                                  with an interest in Dublin Fire Brigade to
                                                                  become honorary Firefighter/Paramedics.
                                                                  The aim of the project is to make memories
                                                                  for these children and their families.
                                                                  Ten children were allocated with Badge
                                                                  Numbers in 2023, like real Firefighters, with
                                                                  Badge Number 1 being allocated to Oscar
                                                                  himself. Oscar’s Kids was created in honour
                                                                  of Oscar who sadly passed away in 2019
                                                                  from terminal brain cancer, but he has left
                                                                  an incredible legacy.

                                                     Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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