Page 76 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 76


Dublin Fire Brigade have recently embraced the          partnerships. In future activities Dublin Fire Brigade
Dublin City Council led Community Wealth Building       will be exploring other avenues, such as procurement,
programme. Dublin faces many challenges that            logistics, premises usage, training, fire prevention
impact on its resilience and prosperity in the future.  and community risk reduction for ways in which it
Community Wealth Building provides a lens through       can engage in a more meaningful way with our local
which to view this changing economic and social         communities.
environment and to understand how Dublin City
Council can use its influence to shape and support
the city’s economy in the long term.

Community Wealth Building is a people-centred                             Strengthen the city
approach to local economic development, which                               council’s strategic
redirects wealth back into the local economy and                           capacity to act and
places control and benefits into the hands of local                                 deliver
people. It is a collective assets of local economy
– social, intellectual, cultural, financial, etc. that       Embed        Develop a social value        Build
a community owns or controls that enables the             community             framework for     confidence by
community to care for each other and the natural        wealth building
environment.                                                                 Dublin City Council     using pilots
                                                             within the                            and are-based
Adopting Community Wealth Building as an integral            corporate
part of the City Council’s corporate strategy gives        approach of                                 action to
voice to the idea that the City’s wealth should be      the city council                            demonstrate
shared. Through CWB Dublin City Council will use its
economic role to influence wealth flows around our                                                    the model
capital City in the best interest
of local communities. A strong                                                  Build
connection to the locality is a key                                       understanding
driver for CWB.

Dublin Fire Brigade are adopting
the principles behind Community
Wealth Building in as many
aspects of its service deleivery as
possible, initially through targetted
recruitment drives in locations
identified by our community

76                                                      Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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