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Our sub-groups | DANIR 2023

55                                                             EMPLOYEES, FTE                                                                                  +3%

      development and the challenges facing society, we        185                                                                                             185
      are in a position to guide both our clients and the                                                                                                      180
      public in the right direction.                           2023
          We think in the long term and strive to develop
      flexible solutions. We do our utmost to integrate        ANNUAL GROWTH RATE
      principles such as inclusion and citizen participation,
      so that we can contribute to a society that promotes       5%                              6%
      wellbeing and a sense of community for all.
                                                               Tot al , 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3        CAGR total,
          “	Everyone who contributes to the built                                                2018-2023
           environment has a responsibility to
           prioritise people’s health and safety.”                   1%

      THE YEAR IN BRIEF                                        CAGR organic,
      During the year, we have worked hard to integrate          2018-2023
      the company we acquired in the Stockholm area,
      which together with Region East now constitutes          REVENUE 2019-2023                              MSEK
      our subsidiary Sigma Civil Öst AB. This has proved
      to be a mutually beneficial process. Our consultants                                                                                                217
      in Region East have benefited from the expertise                                                                             206
      available in other regions while at the same time we
      have identified synergies in integrating our eastern                                                  180
      operations with other regions. This is important                               166
      work if we are to feel like a single company and safe-   153
      guard our deeply rooted collaborative culture. We
      have made considerable progress with this process        2019      2020              2021  2022         2023
      over the course of the year.

          We moved into new premises in Malmö, Umeå
      and Stockholm, providing both a fresh start and
      renewed energy to take on future challenges. We
      appointed a sustainability council to sharpen our
      focus on sustainability issues associated with our
      projects and to prepare clearer sustainability goals
      for our Business Plan 2023, including identifying and
      communicating projects in which we have made a
      real difference in terms of sustainability.

          GROUP CEO

      Anders Dannqvist

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