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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups



Outstanding spirit continues
to deliver quality worldwide.

Sigma Software Group is a reliable IT partner          professional communities, environmental stew-
delivering comprehensive solutions to businesses of    ardship, diversity and gender equality. Despite the
all sizes, including startups and software companies.  war in Ukraine, we have been able to maintain all
We are one of Europe’s largest IT consultancies with   significant CSR projects while prioritising the safety
over 1,800 employees at 40 offices in 19 countries     of people and ensuring high-quality deliveries to our
worldwide. Our customer base includes over 300         customers.
companies, all of whom rely on us to develop their
products and meet their business needs. Many of           Our entire team, our partners and our customers
these customers are among the prestigious Fortune      have raised USD 3.8 million to support Ukraine and
500. Since 2015, our company has been a fixture        continue to help through our Sigma Software Unity
on the IAOP’s Global Outsourcing 100, a list of the    Fund. The fund, formerly known as Help Kharkiv,
world’s best outsourcing service providers.            was established during the early days of the war.

GLOBAL SUPPORT AND CARE WITH THE                          We continue to develop our operation and work
EMPHASIS ON OUR EMPLOYEES                              actively to attract customers in both the United
We have always placed great store in corporate         States and Europe to do business with Ukraine,
social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable develop-   which now has even greater IT potential.
ment, including professional development, growing
                                                          Our strategy has always been to focus on people,
                                                       their needs and professional development. In the
                                                       face of rapid globalisation, we do this by supporting
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