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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups       VALERY KRASOVSKY                                                                60

When Sigma came aboard in 2006, they had 60                decades later, Ukraine is far ahead in many ways,
employees. Today, 17 years later, they have more           where their modern digital tools and products are
than 1,800 employees and are Ukraine’s leading             combined with the spirit of solving things yourself.
and most reputable employer in the IT sector. An           Because historically, the Ukrainians have had to rely
extraordinary journey where the shared belief that a       on themselves, their endurance, resilience, and their
well-oiled and well-assembled team can handle any-         true grit, in the truest sense of the meaning.
thing, accomplish anything, and that nothing is too
difficult. It is this belief that has made them the bold,     “We Ukrainians have grown up with the idea that
fearless, and successful company they are today.           we must solve problems ourselves when they arise,”
                                                           says Valery about the Ukrainian spirit. “We have
   “I was COO when we started Eclipse and                  never been able to rely on someone else, the state,
remained in that position until 2014 when I became
CEO,” says Valery about his current role in the com-
pany. “I probably have some Operating Officer left in
me,” laughs Valery when he answers what he is like
as a leader. “I’m a person who pays great attention to
details, and I expect my co-workers to do the same.”

   He leaves plenty of room for a company culture
where new ways of thinking are allowed, where
unique ideas grow and are realised. “But it must
also be a safe arena where you are allowed to fail,
because that’s when you really learn something,”
says Valery.

   Another major factor in Valery and his colleagues’
success is the unique spirit that exists in Ukraine.
A country that took big and fearless steps from the
moment they became independent in 1991. The
desire to get closer to and become part of Europe
created a drive where everyone wanted to make
everything better. Digitalisation was in full swing,
and for Valery and other IT graduates, it was just a
matter of starting to build the digital infrastructure.
Government services were digitalised at a rapid
pace, and there were many other countries to look
to for inspiration and best practices. And now, three

“	I probably have some Operating
 Officer left in me.”

 – Valery Krasovsky
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