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  Every problem is
the beginning of an


    Anette Hägg’s energy is highly contagious. Anette is a section manager
   at Sigma Industry Innovation in Eskilstuna, where she also lives with her
family, dog, and rabbit. Anette is not the kind of person who likes sitting still.

     Horses, floorball, running, and taking walks are some of her favourite
              pastimes. Not to mention going wild with a brushcutter.

As a section manager, Anette is very active and is      the completion of her doctoral studies. All she knew
always putting new opportunities in motion. She is      was that she wanted to work with something that
a leader who loves to work with people, wants the       was fun and stimulating with a focus on human
best for them, and wants to see them develop.           relationships. Anette started her career as a project
                                                        manager and production developer at Volvo, and
   “As a leader, I strive for open and honest dialogue  then focused more on leadership as a manager of
and to be transparent, creative and engaging,” says     several production engineering departments.
Anette with a smile. I love helping people develop and
challenging them to the next level. And there’s noth-      “I’m passionate about identifying opportunities in
ing better than being there and seeing them succeed.”   a problem,” begins Anette when asked about seeing
                                                        things from a holistic perspective. “I like having a
   Anette earned an MSE in Industrial Economics         helicopter view and seeing how different things are
from Mälardalen University, which is also where,        connected, or if not connected, how they would be
after a few years of research, she earned her           better if they were. I find this to be a lot of fun, and
licentiate degree in Rightsourcing. Anette was not      when you think something is fun, you do it better.”
entirely sure what she wanted to work with after
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