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    VALERY KRASOVSKY                                        Our sub-groups | DANIR 2023

    or any authority to solve things for us. And the more   mulated knowledge, experience, and the ingredients
    difficult the problem, the harder we fight, as the      that make him a true connoisseur and expert in soft-
    outside world can see now that we must defend our       ware and company building as well as in Formula 1
    country against invaders.”                              and kitchenware.

       Valery is responsible for almost 2,000 employees,
    located and operating in many parts of the world. It
    entails a great deal of responsibility, long days, and
    plenty travelling. But Valery also makes sure to spend
    time with his family, his wife and three daughters,

    “	We Ukrainians have grown
    	up with the idea that we must 		
    	solve problems ourselves
    	when they arise.”

    and tries to set aside the weekend to spend extra       Scan the QR code and
    time with them. And preferably in the kitchen where     see more of Valery
    he can practise one of his great passions: cooking.     at

       “I love to cook and, as I said, I am a person who’s
    attentive to the details, and when you stand there
    in the kitchen, there are endless opportunities to
    be detailed,” says Valery about his focus on detail in
    the kitchen.

       Valery has played a large part in Sigma Software’s
    transition from solely providing IT resources to
    being a forward-thinking company with a strong
    product focus and dedication to the success of its
    customers. And in his many interests, he has accu-
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