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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups  OLA EJNARSSON                                                                          76

Ola initially thought that he might make a career in        In 2017, after many years as a manager in quality
automated data processing and that, once there, he          assurance and business development, the time
would revolutionise the IT industry. Although this          came for Ola to start a business that he could shape
idea fell by the wayside when he did his national ser-      himself. One of Ola’s objectives was to be a highly
vice in the Swedish Navy, on returning from serving         flexible employer who gives his staff the leeway
with the UN, his second job after a stint in marketing      to decide how to do their jobs, both in order to
was as a data consultant. He still saw himself work-        provide clients with the best results and to make
ing with quality, however, and in the early 2000s he        everyday life easier for employees at Aptio. Initially
took his first job in quality assurance.                    Sigma Quality & Compliance, in April 2021 the com-
                                                            pany changed its name to Aptio Group. The name
   “I’ve been working with this for over 20 years and       may have been new, but the focus remained the
I still love it. At first, I travelled a great deal, basi-  same: business development and efficiency through
cally living out of a suitcase. I kept a home in Skåne      quality assurance.
and commuted weekly, first to Kalmar and then to
Stockholm and after that Gothenburg. There were
also frequent trips abroad, particularly to England
but also to Turkey and Lebanon,” says Ola of the first
hectic but educational years in the industry.

“	I’ve been working with this for 		
	 over 20 years and I still love it.”

Ola is someone who is always looking to streamline,         Ola makes no demands of others
thus increasing his clients’ profitability. And, if one     that he does not make of himself,
wishes to change something, one must have the               and he always strives to lead
courage to question and challenge clients who have          by example and be a good role
‘always done it this way’.                                  model when it comes to show-
                                                            ing compassion and respect.
   “While I’m not afraid to question or challenge           He is naturally upbeat and has
clients about their processes, I’m also a good listener.    a splendid knack of building
And, of course, listening is the most important thing       relationships and trust.
if you want to learn about and familiarise yourself
with something,” says Ola, who understands that                “I hire employees because
one must be willing to leave one’s comfort zone             they’re good at their jobs and
if analysis shows that this is necessary in order to        I have a strong conviction that
identify effective solutions.                               one should tell them what needs
                                                            to be done rather than how to
                     Scan the QR code                       go about it. I allow employees
                     and see more of Ola                    to use their intellect to figure
                     at                            out how to identify the best and
                                                            most efficient solution,” says Ola
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