Page 71 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
P. 71

Our sub-groups | DANIR 2023

71                                                                                        EMPLOYEES, FTE                                     +1%

      tives designed to stimulate gender equality, including                              3 270                                           3 270
      the Young Female Leader Award and the project                                                                                       3 250
      Girl Coders, which inspires young women to pursue                                   2023
      a career in science, technology, engineering or                                     2022
                                                                                          ANNUAL GROWTH RATE
      Although external challenges such as high inflation,                                  1%                                1%
      the war in Ukraine and soaring energy prices have
      left us dealing with unusual market conditions during                               Tot al , 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3         CAGR total,
      2023, proactive change work has resulted in both                                                                       2018-2023
      increased revenue and earnings compared to the
      corresponding period of 2022.                                                              1%

          The year has been characterised by continued                                    CAGR organic,
      streamlining and change in order to adapt our organi-                                 2018-2023
      sation to increased and sustained profitability. While
      we have intensified our sales work and been awarded                                 REVENUE 2019-2023                               MSEK
      several new framework agreements, we have also
      closed accounts with low profitability, which may have                                                                 2 086        2 117
      an impact on turnover and earnings in the short term.
                                                                                                                      1 900
          The group’s operating cash flow has improved.
      We also put considerable effort into integrating                                    1 679
      previous acquisitions, primarily in HR-Tech. This will
      lead to more efficient digital recruitment processes                                           1 463
      and thus higher margins.
                                                                                          2019       2020             2021   2022         2023
          Overall, we are sharply focused on digitisation,
      an issue we are driving both to optimise our internal
      processes and to support our customers in stream-
      lining their recruitment processes.

          ACTING CEO

      Mats Kullenberg


         PION Group is a publicly listed company on the Nasdaq Stockholm, Small
         Cap stock exchange. PION has not provided any financial forecasts for 2023,
         nor has Danir drawn up any forecasts. The figures showing the number of
         employees is the actual average number as of Q2 2023, with the addition of
         a 1.5% growth in the latter half of 2023, which corresponds to the average
         quarterly growth during the 12-month period of Q3 2022-Q2 2023. The figure
         for turnover in 2023 is the actual turnover during the first half of 2023, with
         the addition of actual turnover in the latter half of 2022, increased by 1.5%,
         which corresponds to growth in Q1-Q2 2023 vs. Q1-Q2 2022. This estimate is
         not based on any forward-looking information from PION Group and has not
         been discussed with any PION representatives.
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