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P. 74


                                OLA EJNARSSON, APTIO GROUP

Good quality assurance
     begins at home.

         There are a number of ways one could begin a presentation of Ola Ejnarsson,
              CEO of the Aptio Group. We could start with his career racing boats
                  in the T4 class, for boats with 400 cc engines and a top speed
                                           of just under 50 knots.

Ola competed in the Swedish national champion-        where Ola, who was born in Gävle and brought up
ships. He went into the final heat needing a place    in Eskilstuna, graduated with a Master’s Degree
among the points to win the championship.             in Business Administration in 1994. Ola may well
Unfortunately, the boat capsized and suffered         have concluded his studies in 1990 with a degree in
engine failure. A potential gold medal turned into    system analysis but for Sweden’s plummeting GDP
an honourable silver.                                 and unemployment that soared from 2 to 10 per
                                                      cent. The always farsighted Ola saw the recession as
   Or we could start with his service in the UN’s     an opportunity to gain more knowledge.
peacekeeping force. Wearing the blue beret was a
childhood dream that came true in 1994 when he           “My master’s dissertation was titled ‘How to
applied successfully for the post of squad leader     Measure Quality’, and it was while working on this
in the peacekeeping force in the former Yugoslav      that I realised that this would be my future industry.
Republic of Macedonia, today North Macedonia.         I have now learned from experience that quality
This proved to be an instructive six months during    can’t be measured, because it’s subjective,” says
which he gained many useful experiences.              Ola concerning how he ended up specialising in
                                                      quality assurance.
   But, of course, we could also start in Växjö from
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