Page 72 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups



We simplify the complicated
and do good more effectively.

Aptio Group assists companies with execution,          and encouragement. As an employer, we focus on
interpretation and advice related to regulatory and/   stability and sustainability in our current operations
or industry-specific tasks and processes. These        and our future development and expansion, for the
processes or tasks can be found either in legal texts  benefit of both the company and our employees.
and/or in various standards. We work cross-func-       This provides us with a solid foundation on which to
tionally, handling issues within a company’s various   build for the long term and enjoy the serenity and
processes, such as production, product develop-        security of farsighted planning. This is particularly
ment, research, testing and purchasing.                important when we must deal with world events
                                                       beyond our control.
   Founded in Malmö in 2017, Aptio Group has been
an independent subsidiary group of Danir since            In order to operate as a specialist consulting
2021. We currently have 170 co-workers working at      company, we have chosen to engage only senior
four offices in Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland.       employees with at least ten years of experience in
                                                       the service area. Our focus is on tackling challenging
BY SHARING KNOWLEDGE, WE SHOW WE                       tasks and creating solutions that create added value
CARE FOR ONE ANOTHER                                   for the customer. To ensure that we are an attractive
When our operating environment changes, we deal        employer for these senior experts, we place great
with it thanks to our leadership model of delegation   store by maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
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