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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups



The infrastructure of the future
demands digital competence.

Sigma Civil is an expansive company in the field         The subjects on that occasion were transport and
     of technical consulting services. Our focus is on   travel. Today, a digital workplace, e-government,
infrastructure, construction design and project man-     e-services and e-money need a common standard.
agement. Our specialist expertise in the development
of public premises enables us to deliver a complete         Our customers include many municipalities
solution for a wide range of civil engineering projects  and government authorities, and we can see how
to private, municipal and government clients.            standardisation issues affect the digital civil engi-
                                                         neering process. The planning processes are being
   We deliver solutions spanning the entire civil        digitalised, imposing new and greater demands on
engineering process, from planning to implementation,    how things are done and which digital tools are used.
and our assignments include planning, analysis,          Climate issues are becoming increasingly important,
investigation, process support, design, project          and various types of GIS analyses are becoming
management and business development. Our                 more common. Many construction and landscape
great flexibility, forward-looking ideas and cost        projects are conducted using object-oriented
efficiency help our customers to realise their civil     drawing programmes, and BIM (Building Informa-
engineering projects.                                    tion Modelling) provides greater opportunities for
                                                         collecting bulk data and a smoother transition from
   We have 150 employees in Malmö, Umeå,                 2D to 3D models. Project management related to the
Gothenburg, Stockholm, Örebro, Karlstad and              coordination of BIM models is also increasing. And
Halmstad. Our ambition is to achieve growth of           technologies such as AR and VR are becoming more
10 - 15% every year, and the goal is to double our       and more common.
business within five years.
                                                            We are at the forefront of this digitalisation
STANDARDISATION - THE PATH                               journey and provide support for both our customers’
TO SUCCESSFUL DIGITALISATION                             digitalisation projects and for Swedish municipalities’
“Sweden must build more and do it cheaper and            digitalisation of the civil engineering process. We also
sustainable. Everyone should be able to benefit from     work to thoroughly address the risks inherent in
the power and opportunities of digitalisation,” says     digitalisation; when it comes to our digital compe-
former Minister for Housing and Digital Develop-         tence and deliveries, IT security and vulnerability
ment Peter Eriksson. Despite this, Sweden ended          analyses are a matter of course.
up at the bottom of the OECD’s latest ranking of
digitalisation efforts in the public sector. A decen-    CEO
tralised country like Sweden, where authorities and
municipalities order their own systems and unique        Anders Dannqvist
not compatible technical solutions, does not exactly     +46 708-68 18 88
simplify the digitalisation process.           

   Standardisation is a prerequisite for global          WEB
digitalisation. A standardisation effort was also
required when the world was divided into time zones.
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