Page 18 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 18

DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups                                                                                      16

            SIGMA INDUSTRY

    The bridge between product
    development and the digital.

Sigma Industry East North Sigma Industry West

We are driven by a passion to make products and         Together with Sigma Embedded Engineering and
technology better. Our strive and commitment is to      Sigma Energy & Marine, we offer expertise in product
be both customer-focused and employee-centred.          development, embedded systems, UX, electronic,
We deliver services, projects and products within       software development, energy, processes, subsea, IoT,
R&D and production. We also develop products            production technology, calculation & simulation, and
and technology to world-leading companies in the        project management. We work on the fore front of
areas of product development, industry, processes,      technology with the intensive transition to electrified
defence, life science/pharmaceuticals and energy.       vehicles, connected applications and Industry 4.0. As
We have ten locations in Sweden, from Linköping in      demand for digitalisation and innovation increases,
the south to Luleå in the north.                        our engineering knowledge becomes the bridge
                                                        between product development and the digital world.
THE NEW WITH THE OLD                                    WE’RE “DRIVING” THE DIGITALISATION
We are seeing a rapid change in working methods         OF SOCIETY
tied to digitalisation. We have the same core compe-    Volvo Cars are now selling cars online, and we are
tence: to develop and improve products, processes       contributing to this. We also work for Volvo Bus to
and production. But we have worked intensively with     develop connected buses that collect data to see
our own internal digitalisation.                        when the battery is about to run out, what affects
                                                        service life, and how it can be extended. We are also
   We provide training in Industry 4.0 to our custom-   entrusted with participating in the digital transfor-
ers and have increased our software deliveries. We      mation of Aker Solutions’ systems and products.
welcome the new but continue to develop products
and technology of tomorrow.                             THE YEAR IN BRIEF
                                                        This year, we saw a strong recovery in all service
THE YEAR IN BRIEF                                       areas. There is greater flexibility and willingness to
It’s been a brilliant year for us. Strong market, good  put assignments on us, and we see a positive trend
growth, profitability and atmosphere in the company.    towards more commitment deals. Our business in the
Our services and internal processes have developed      areas of energy and subsea in the Norwegian market
strongly. We also launched several forward-looking      is increasing again. We’re also expanding within the
initiatives whose primary focus is to create a stimu-   process area, and the business within embedded
lating professional environment for our employees       systems just keeps growing.
and increased value for our customers.

GROUP CEO                                               GROUP CEO

Erik Freese                                             Jens Wickström
+46 705-41 81 77                                        +46 733-53 43 00                          
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