Page 21 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
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Our sub-groups | DANIR 2021


    THE YEAR IN BRIEF                                                      REVENUE 2017-2021              MSEK
    2021 went well and we have developed our business
    in a positive way. Our infrastructure and construction                                     162 166 170
    departments have gone well throughout Sweden.
    The reason for this is a good collaboration with                                                                153
    contractors that have grown and broadened their                        145
    businesses, to their benefit and ours. Together we
    have won several major contracts.                                      2017  2018         2019  2020  2021

       We have signed several new public framework
    agreements, which means increased business with
    municipalities and state operations.

       We are also expanding. Notably, the office in
    Karlstad is making strong progress, where we
    have moved into a brand-new office with space
    and capacity for further expansion.

    ANNUAL GROWTH RATE                                                                 EMPLOYEES, FTE

    2% 7% 7%                                                                           140                      -5%

    To ta l gro wth rat e  To t a l gr o wt h ra t e  Organic growth rate              2021                     140
    2020-2021              2016-2021                  2016-2021                        2020                      147
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26