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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups 20
Our customer list is
growing and so are we.
Sigma Software’s focus is on creating first-class Personal recommendations on purchasing, a
IT solutions that help our customers tackle their reminder function, customer service and support are
business goals and needs in the best possible way. planned for the next step. The customer’s ambition is
We effectively use our 19 years of global delivery to further expand the system by adding new chan-
experience, 1,500 IT experts in Ukraine and Poland, nels, payment options and delivery services and to
our own R&D, 40 value-creating services and over 20 make the communication processes more personal.
carefully selected and innovative ML, AI, AR, data and
process management products from our partners, “Our team is collaborating with
enabling us to create the best possible digitalisation Darnitsa on their digital system
solutions that yield competitive advantages for our development, with the goal of
customers. We also deliver ready-to-start solutions creating an omnichannel that will
and custom software development services as well result in a unified and seamless
as UI/UX, DevOps, IT support, computer technology customer experience regardless
and cybersecurity services to over 200 companies of channel.”
around the world.
To this end, we have developed a solution based on
A PIONEERING OMNICHANNEL PROJECT our partner product, Corezoid. This solution auto-
Sigma Software is collaborating with Darnitsa, a lead- mates and organises business processes and stream-
ing Ukrainian pharmaceutical company, to establish lines integrations through efficient API management.
a customer relations system as part of the company’s We are pleased to be a part of Darnitsa’s journey and
digital transformation. Darnitsa produces over to create the perfect digital environment where our
210 drugs and products with a focus on cardiology, customers can revitalise and improve their company
neurology and pain relief. The company has already and their offerings.
successfully digitalised its production and handling
processes. The next step was to review the way they GROUP CEO
engage with and manage their customers in their
continuous interaction with them via digital channels. Valery Krasovsky
+380 (67) 576 29 95
Our team is collaborating with Darnitsa on their
digital system development, with the goal of creating
an omnichannel that will result in a unified and seam- WEB
less customer experience regardless of channel. The
first stage of the assignment includes the develop-
ment of an e-commerce platform and a Viber chatbot.
In this first step, the company’s entire product range
will be directly available to consumers.