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With a passion for
smart streamlining.

Malin Classon, Nexer Group.

Malin Classon is Business Unit Manager at Nexer’s        Even in her student days, Malin already knew that
        Stockholm office. Here, she is responsible for   she wanted to combine her interest in technology
the operational delivery and coordination of their       with leadership issues, something she has gotten to
global units, which serve customers in India, Brazil,    do in various managerial roles over nearly 18 years
the United Kingdom and the United States.                in the business. It’s also one of the reasons why she
                                                         wanted to join Sigma IT. When asked why she made
   Yet Malin’s career in the IT industry was not         the jump to Sigma IT in 2020, Malin responds:
a matter of course. And it was more or less a            – I’ve probably always seen them as a rather
coincidence that she ended up here.                      ‘unclassical’ consulting company. They have more
 – I had intended to study to become a doctor, but I     of a family atmosphere and a good view of people,
was a little burned out on school and instead started    with high values and social commitment to impor-
working at a company where I became responsible          tant issues. Here, you can be face-to-face with your
for their data migration. It was then and there that I   employees, there’s also a great understanding that the
understood that this was what I wanted to work with,     individuals are the value in the company. I like that.
says Malin.
                                                            Malin had only been working with the company
    So in the end, she studied Computer and Systems      for a year when it was time for Sigma IT to become
Sciences at Stockholm University, graduating in 1997.    Nexer. She believes it’s been a very positive step.
Malin ended up in the ERP industry immediately after     – We had a great launch, and it feels like we have
university and has worked with business systems          a clearer profile in the market; we’ve sort of put
ever since. According to her, it’s paradise.             ourselves on the map, says Malin.
– I love to streamline, and when you can bring together
finance, HR, production, supply chains, services,           Just as she’s always done, Malin is looking to the
purchasing and other key processes necessary to          future and taking things in stride. She loves her job
run an efficient and seamless system, I’m in seventh     regardless of the customer or assignment. As long
heaven, says Malin about working with ERP.               as she can be involved in streamlining and improving
                                                         things for her customers, she’s satisfied. And to
    Malin always focusses on finding solutions rather    become even better at her job, she gains fresh energy
than just seeing problems. And when it comes to          from riding her horse, among other things. Malin
digitalisation, the possibilities for improvement        practice dressage and participates in competitions
are endless.                                             with her horse.
 – It’s rewarding to work with digitalisation, and       – It’s a wonderful bubble, and I get a lot of energy from
the customers we work with soon see the financial        it. It’s not uncommon for the stable to be where I come
benefits – that they can keep costs down, save money     up with the solution to something I’ve been pondering
and maintain good profitability, says Malin about the    at work, says Malin about spending time with her
digital revolution that many of their customers are      horse, and how it makes her a better employee.
facing, or are already undergoing.
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