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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups 30
A consulting company
for the modern age.
ASociety mediates assignments for self-employed to meet. We do want to automate everything that
business owners and consultants at consulting isn’t creative connections between people. This will
companies. We offer qualified competence provision yield better conditions for business relationships.
to high-tech development companies in an expansion
phase to medium-sized and large international Our digital work environment must be functional,
groups. As the consulting company of tomorrow, we uncomplicated and reliable. In 2021, we have secured
create value and growth in the consulting industry’s the necessary infrastructure together with a new
premium segments within the fields of research partner. This collaboration addresses our needs and
& development and information technology. We gives us the opportunity to focus on the everyday
operate within the mobile labour market and focus lives of our employees.
on matching the most skilled and highly trained
consultants with the most exciting assignments. The next step is to offer effective tools for
We work closely with our global customers and communication and digital collaboration. Wherever
deliver expertise matched to local needs and market we interact with our customers and consultants
conditions, in the absolute best way. We call our around the world, in a digital meeting or in person,
approach “Glocalness”. they should encounter the same A Society.
We are a value-driven company at which we all The challenge with digital collaboration today is
work together to build our culture and encourage that there are too many solutions. To create efficiency,
behaviours aligned with our values. Inspired by our an established standard is needed. When everyone
motto of “Passion – Action – Freedom”, we strive to processes information in the same way with the
make a difference, act and achieve results that are same tool, the systems become transparent, and we
in keeping with our global and entrepreneurial spirit. can focus completely on content and the exchange
of ideas. Our path to success is to focus much more
DIGITALISATION PROVIDES MORE on how we work with the tools we have, rather than
TIME TO BUILD RELATIONSHIPS seeking out new technical solutions.
Through experience, expertise and personal com-
mitment, we build long-term relationships with our To improve our digital work environment, we are
customers. Our ability to offer qualified services is embarking on an exciting effort to modernise and
based on excellent collaboration with our consulting streamline our business-related systems. The goal is
network. It is our strong relationships that enable us to make the systems as simple and self-explanatory
to offer exciting and challenging assignments to our as possible. The automation of administrative tasks
consultants and expertise to our customers. leaves more time for what’s really important: our
consultants and our customers.
Relationships are also the starting point for our
journey towards digitalisation. Our personal contacts GROUP CEO
define who we are, but digital tools help us to do our
work better. We have no interest in removing the Per-Ola Malm
need for human interaction. On the contrary, we +46 707-12 75 90
want to create as much space as possible for people