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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups


Building a global brand
by connecting people.

Alexandra Govorukha, Sigma Software.

We meet up for a digital chat with Alexandra            – The result is overwhelming and in the last year,
         Govorukha, who is Head of International        we have had at least one article published every
PR at Sigma Software in Kyiv. With an MBA and           other week somewhere around the world.
master’s degree in HR management and marketing          Building the company’s reputation globally, says
and a background in IT, advertising, media and work-    Alexandra proudly.
ing with a big publishing house in Ukraine, Alexandra
started working with Sigma Software in 2018. She           Being a strong brand in Ukraine is a good start
has a strong belief in personal connections, and she    when Alexandra is building the brand globally. But
has a passion for matching people and/or companies      there is also a need for marketing Ukraine as a
when she sees that they could do good business or       country of good businesses and skilled engineers
work together.                                          and developers. They are sometimes working in the
– Some of my colleagues call me “Nokia” because I       headwind of prejudice and too little knowledge of
love connecting people. Even though that name           Ukraine as a good country for digital services.
isn’t mine or my companies, I still like it. My expe-   – It is paying off and being a Ukrainian company with
rience has always been that I or my employer will       a Swedish heritage helps us when we are marketing
benefit from this “matchmaking skill” in the long       ourselves around the world, says Alexandra.
run, says Alexandra.
                                                           Alexandra loves working at Sigma Software, where
   Sigma Software is one of the top IT companies        she, as a result-oriented person, love the fact that she
in Ukraine and is well known, both as a successful      is allowed to work for long term results.
company and as a modern and open employer brand         – I feel that I have my superior’s confidence and to
with good values and possibilities for people to grow.  have this freedom to operate is really inspiring and
– We make a point of being present at relevant          our goal to build a global brand suits my personal
media platforms, business and IT events, where          ambitions, says Alexandra.
we can meet and communicate with our clients,
says Alexandra.                                            Alexandra is an ambitious and energetic person
                                                        who loves her work but also enjoys calm weekends
   But they don’t only attend events, they are also     with her two daughters. Mixing it up with long walks
hosting a lot of events and webinars themselves.        with their dog.
With an aim to spread the word about Sigma Software     – I love a long walk in the forest, it is invigorating and
globally, making the brand strong internationally       it gets me ready for a week of full focus on work, says
as well. This year they have hosted a long series of    Alexandra on how she spend her spare time.
webinars for start-ups and two business tech summits,   – But as much as I enjoy my peaceful walks, I am also
reaching over 200 thousand people. Alexandra also       a huge fan of travelling. Connecting myself to new
makes sure that they get articles published in busi-    cultures and getting in touch with people in other
ness media, addressing trends and visions of Sigma      countries, says Alexandra when we round up our
Software and the IT business in general.                little chat. And she gets to go back to building Sigma
                                                        Software’s brand even more.
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